Troops make another breakthrough; Parappakkadantan falls to troops

Security forces personnel operating in Mannar front made another major breakthrough capturing LTTE’s stronghold in Parappakkadantan, 4Km north of Giant Tank, in Mannar front this noon, June 28.

According to the military sources, a firing rang used by the LTTE terrorists, probably for training requirements, also found in a search operation conducted in the 2 square Km area captured by the troops. Meanwhile, several tombs erected for terror cadres killed in past gun battles were also found in general area Alkaddiveli, between Andankulam and Parappakkadantan.

These areas were under LTTE clutches for more than two decades and it clearly shows the inability of  LTTE terrorists to face security forces who are continuously marching towards LTTE strongholds in multi-pronged offensive launched to liberate the Wanni.

Troops are now consolidating their positions in the area.

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