LTTE Terrorist’s Michael Base captured – Welioya

Sri Lankan troops captured a key Tamil Tiger rebel base in the island’s north Friday, a day after a wave of battles in the same region killed 32 rebels and two soldiers, the military said. The Army’s 59 Division took control of Michael Base in the rebel stronghold of Mullaitivu district after three days of fighting, military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said, adding that around 20 LTTE cadres were killed in the battle field and many more were injured. However, he said no exact figure could be given as the troops were still consolidating their positions and defusing mines.
Ground commanders said the army didn’t suffer any casualties.
The well-fortified Michael Base, with many outposts is part of the 1-4 base, and is located seven km north of Janakapura. It was considered impregnable by the LTTE. Munnagam, the first base in the 1-4 complex was captured earlier. “The base is located north of Janakapura where the 59 Division intensified offensive attacks. It is marching forward to the LTTE defence lines,” Brigadier Nanayakkara said.
The offensive to destroy the strategic base, began on Wednesday. The army came in for heavy resistance from the LTTE combatants taking refuge in well-protected bunkers which the outfit had built over the years. The army described the areas as a deadly minefield, where they had to advance very cautiously.
Brigadier Nanayakkara said the fleeing Tigers had exploded some of the underground bunkers, adding that the sprawling military facility had three living quarters, which, too, were blasted by the LTTE before retreating into the jungles. The base is believed to have been used by senior LTTE leaders tasked with preventing the army from reaching Mullativu, which is 20 km away from the Michael Base.
Fighting has escalated in recent months, with the military stepping up ground assaults and air strikes on rebels in line with a government pledge to capture rebel-held territory and crush the insurgents by the end of the year.
Also other clashes took place in the Vavuniya, Mannar and Welioya regions bordering the rebels’ de facto northern state on Thursday, said a defence ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity due to government policy.
Several battles in Mannar left 24 guerrillas and two soldiers dead, he said. Twenty-five rebels and 10 soldiers were wounded.
Other battles in Vavuniya and Welioya killed eight rebels, and wounded 12 Tamil Tiger fighters and four soldiers, the official said.


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