We hail the Army Commander

Lt Gen Sarath Fonseka greatest hero of our time: Sri Lanka Muslim Congress Leader Rauff Hakeem, who has come strongly against a statement made by the Army Commander Lt.Gen.Sarath Fonseka, to the Canadian News Paper National Post, has no lesson to give to the Army Commander.

[ad#200×200] The Army Commander has issued a statement as a patriot who loves his motherland Sri Lanka, and to-day from what he has achieved there is no greater patriot in Sri Lanka than him. All right thinking Sri Lankans will hail him as the greatest hero of our time. If one were to go further to compare him to one such other patriot , it would undoubtedly be King Dutugemunu.

Every one in Sri Lanka knows the extent of the patriotism of Rauff Hakeem. He has never in any one of his speeches spoken of the unity of Sinhala, Tamils and Muslims. On the other hand, his only pursuit is his personal leadership of the Sri Lanka Muslims, following the foot steps of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who broke up the unity of the Indian people and formed his own land of the believers in which he was the President. Hakeem dreams to be the Sri Lankan Jinnah.

For this end Hakeem was prepared to go to any low level. He did not seriously commit himself for the unity of the Communities as a true patriot, as he was probably waiting Prabhakaran to set up his Eelam State. In which event, Rauff Hakeem would have demanded Praphakaran, to make him his Vassal to lead a fiefdom of Muslims, in Prabhakaran’s Tamil Eelam State. It was hence with this expectation that Rauff Hakeem signed a MoU with Prabhakaran himself, in April, 2003, which much to his chagrin , was annulled by the ” thalaivar” in December that year.

It is this unpredictable politician, the regular turncoat, without allegiance to any cause other than to his own personal ambition, who is trying to give lessons to the Army Commander Sarath Fonseka.

On the Other hand, the Army Commander’s statement was non political which he made clear in no uncertain terms. The Commander of the Army is in daily contact with the Soldiers of his armed forces composed of Sinhala youth, who are ready to give themselves entirely for the battle against the terrorists to save “their” motherland , without thinking of a “tomorrow” .

Those soldiers are doing that for the rest of us the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims to live in peace and harmony. Those soldiers have the ” right ” to know that their Commander of the Army is making them sacrifice their lives for “their ” motherland. Those young Sinhala soldiers ( at least one of them die every day) making their supreme sacrifice for their motherland, are not dying as politicians , but as the children of their land of birth- Mother Lanka.

Therefore, neither Rauff Hakeem , nor the hollering Tamil writers, and politicians have the right to deny them the pride of having belonged to the Majority Community, the belonging to which Community they die to save the mother land.

The Army Commander Lt.Gl.Sarath Fonseka has expressed the true position on which he had undertaken the difficult task of defending the mother land against a group of terrorists, aided by a mislead Tamil Diaspora trying their best to divide the beloved mother land, to set up a Tamil Eelam State. The politics is for the politicians, but defending the country against a set of ruthless terrorists is for the Armed Forces.

One cannot deny the statement made by the Commander, as the Sinhala are the majority, who are trying their best to live with every one in amity without making an issue of the Tamils and the Muslims being the minority.

Army Commander’s statement is not anti communal, he merely said that he believes that the Majority of the people of the country is Sinhala and they treat the Tamils and Muslims as their own people.

Nevertheless, you go into any website and none of the Tamil writers express any sentiments of good will towards the Sinhala. They pour “steaming” hatred and anger towards the Sinhala, their religion, history, and their ancestors. The moment one Sinhala writes about their being of the majority, and they love this country as the land of their ancestors, every Muslim,and the Tamils, group together with their battle cries, calling Vaiko and Narayana from India to carry their flags of hatred.

It is a fact that the Tamils and Muslims highlight the fact of their being the minority, to attract the attention of the International Community accusing the government and the Armed Forces of violating human rights of the minority Tamils.

The Army Commander , the Commanders of Navy, Air Forces, and all those of the Government Forces have made us a strong nation, where the minorities can live in harmony with the Sinhala , without making undue demands due to the fact of their being the minority.

The Tamils even write new history claiming that they had been in Sri Lanka long before the Vijaya and claim that they have a right to separate a part of its territory to be the Tamil Homeland. And now because the Army Commander said that the Sinhala are the majority in Sri Lanka, and nobody has the right to divide it; they cry high and low that he has committed the worst crime. One man even says that he should be removed from the high post !

The problem in Sri Lanka is that all so called leaders of the Tamil and Muslim Communal political parties are allowed to call any lowly names against the Sinhala, but the Sinhala cannot speak one word of their being the majority. The ethnic problem in Sri Lanka is mainly due to the fact that the Tamils and Muslims do not want to accept the fact that Sinhala is the Majority Community.

We salute the Army Commander Lt.Gl.Sarath Fonseka, and the Armed Forces. May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you, for your safety, and to come out victorious.

By Charles.S.Perera

2 thoughts on “We hail the Army Commander

  1. Now tell me who is creating racism in Sri lanka, people like this guy and people supporting say he just made correct comment. Let me Singhala people, Tamil have been living in Eelam for long as Singhalese people. There is not way that Sri lanka solemly belongs to Singhalese. IF you poeple keep inmaking these shit statement there won,t be any peace in Sri lanka. Plus even If SLA eliminate LTTE, there will be another LTTE come out this struggle. Remember the only solution to the peac, grant Tamils the provicial power and the rights and freedon the singhalese enjoying in the south. This is the lasting solution in Sri lanka to gain permenent peace.

  2. General Sarath Fosneka is the greatest Sri Lankan. He is the legitimate President of Sri Lanka who was elected by the people. Long live President General Sarath Fonseka.

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