LTTE violates its own ceasefire; launches artillery attacks at Jaffna

Military reports received form Muhamalai Forward Defence (FDL) indicate that LTTE terrorist have launched artillery attack at troops manning the area this morning (July 29).

Military spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that the terrorists have fired about 10 rounds of heavy artillery at troops between 6 to 6.30AM . Two soldiers have sustained injuries due to the attack, he further said. He added that terrorists have used their guns located in the Poonaryn area for the attack.

LTTE recently announced through its media network that it would maintain a unilateral ceasefire since July 27 in view of the SAARC summit which is currently being held in Sri Lanka. However , observers of LTTE activities raised doubts about LTTE’s intentions over this sudden decision. The government maintained that it would only go for a ceasefire when the LTTE have laid down their arms. According to observers, the latest attack has substantiated their doubts about the integrity of the LTTE.

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