LTTE Terrorists & Mercenaries

Many a time readers have wondered the flying skills of the Tamil Terrorists flying home-assembled aircraft, dropping bombs, returning to base and then disappear into thin air. This is an acquired skill, with a great deal of professional experience and technical savvy.

[ad#200×200]First, the finger pointed towards the NATO member Norway. Yes Norway has presumably divulged military secrets, delivered high tech equipment to the LTTE Terrorists. It is presumed that LTTE has given assurances that once they consolidate their power within Tamil Eelam, Norway would be their preferred partner and ally to cream-off the Tuna belt, Oil, Gas, Minerals, including the managing the Tricomalee harbour, et al.

Most Norwegians still are reeling from their historical Viking greed, would sell their own mother for a bottle of Vodka. Said that, the LTTE had, according to reliable sources touched on several countries in the old USSR for intelligent expertise as well as hardware.

Several Soviet ex KGB officers had been approached and then came the Ukranian connection for both hardware and personnel expertise. Al Qaeda as such, with whom the LTTE Terrorists do hold good relations, do not have the intelligensia to execute what the LTTE needed.

The ex USSR KGB officers are currently are globe-trotting whores into terrorist hot-spots selling a wide range of merchandise and expertise.

It is believed that such expertise was secured by LTTE, with the hundreds of milliions of moolah available in LTTE bank accounts in Singapore, Thailand, Cyprus, South Africa and in Israel to harness the mercenary support.

According to well informed sources there are a group of Caucasian technical experts in LTTE underground bunkers, alongside the military hardware and the five dis-assembled planes. They were smuggled in as with the aircraft semi-knocked down (SKD) kits.

There are also well devised plans to smuggle out Prabhakaran and a few of his cronies out of the jungle, when things get too hot. Very likely the Norwegians are well involved in this emergency evacuation. Erik “Dosai” Solheim is the king-pin in this grand plan.

Diversions at random will be set-off in the South and in the hills to create mayhem whilst the leaders escape by fast boats, submarine and light planes. The pre-Christmas might illuminate Colombo, its suburbs, Kandy and other prominant cities with massive car/truck bombs currently in the offing by the LTTE Terrorists. Such activity requires limited manpower, only a few vehicles and good strategic planning, which the LTTE is capable of.

The current strategy of the SLG is well co-ordinated and professionally executed. The results speak for themselves. And the buck stops at the President’s feet. Great job done, Your Excellency!

With my limited military experience, I forsee that the Commander-in-Chief has given a free hand to the General Command of Defence Forces to fight till the last inch of the Sovereing soil is captured. The aggressive march encircling Kilinochchi should pave way for dessimating the moral of the LTTE. Hopefully the exit points are secured in order to prevent the Rats escaping by sacrificing their own minions.

I doubt for one moment that Prabhakaran will swallow any cyanide pill. If he has anything hanging round his neck, its very likely that these are his multi-vitamin tablets, blood thinning tablet to lower blood pressure, diabetic medicine, mini aspirin and Nitro for his heart. The over-weight Roly Poly Prabhakaran is an awsome coward and would want to live till the end of the world.

Both Prabhakaran and his son Charles Anthony should be executed at sight.
No POW’s to create the silly NGO protests. No prisoner should be taken at that level. No prisoner should be allowed to escape to enjoy the millions of dollars they have accumulated with their bloodied hands. Such terrorists should be wiped out without any mercy. A lesson from the book of Israel and Singapore. Now Britain adopts similar “zero tolerance” strategy of “Shoot to Kill”.

Hopefully the SLDF will carpet bomb and flatten Killinochchi before they march in and sacrifice the lives of the soldiers.

The mire of underground shelters and escape tunnels should be identified by high tech means available, using American Air Force technological assistance and destroyed to dust.

The LTTE Terrorists and their Mercenaries should now realize that their days are severely numbered. The 4th of February 2009 could once again raise the Proud Lion Flag, in a unified, terrorist free Sri Lanka!
By Prof. Hudson McLean

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