Sixteen reasons why Russia should NEVER trust the West

Starting with pressure on the Yeltsin regime and with hand picked oligarchs and bureaucrats as intermediaries, it has been estimated that the West has ripped as much as $500 Billion (that’s with a capital “B”) from Russia, in the form of resources, money, equipment and treasures, from 1991 to 1999. Everything of value, nailed down or not, was taken. Whole cities would wake up and find that the various manufacturing plants that supported their economies were now empty of all equipment, which had been cartooned off bitterly in the night.

[ad#200×200]For an entire month, Vladivostok, the biggest Pacific port, a city the size of San Francisco, found itself without electricity, as the key bureaucrats had been able to grab all the oil from former government oil companies, freshly privatized with no regulation, and send it overseas to Japan and other countries. This of course left the local electric plants and refineries empty.

The US and the World Bank and IMF loved giving Yeltsin and his bunch “loans”, which often ran into the multi billions and were of course funded by their own taxpayers who were equally raped. After taking their share off of the loans, the 90% plus that remained was than refunneled out of Russia and right back to the US where it was than quickly laundered. The Bank of New York was busted in such a scheme, moving over $6 Billion (again with a capital “B”) in IMF Loans and other monies from Russia. After a deep congressional investigation, the fellow thieves in the US Congress gave them a slap on the wrist for their “accounting” error. Read Full Article >>

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