Indian Game and Changing Stripes of Tigers

To Manamohan Singh: Sir, We did not Blast the Amritsar Golden Temple!
When LTTE terrorists go to Western Capitals to tell their grievances and collect fund to set off suicide bombs in the name of liberation of Tamils, LTTE is a Christian Tamil minority group fighting against the domination of the majority Sinhalese Buddhists. Often times they have become so successful in delivering this message that Western media like Associated Press (AP) reports the same way as LTTE packages it. On the other hand, when the same LTTE terrorists go for military aid, political backing, and fund raising in India, they are a Hindu Tamil minority fighting against a government dominated by Sinhalese Buddhists. So reports the mainstream media such as Press Trust of India (PTI).

[ad#200×200]Once this spin and twisting gained the ground, the second iteration of repackaging the news takes place with the collective zeal. At this stage, mainstream media join with LTTE Web portals like the TamilNet and some useful idiots in Sri Lankan media who make a living out of feeding the foreign press. As a result, when Sri Lankan military is operating close to a church, it is reported in Western Capitals as Sri Lankan military is bombing Catholic or Christian churches. So the God fearing Western Capitals do not mind investing in blowing up of Sinhalese Buddhists that they turned blind eye up until recently to LTTE funding apparatus. Similarly, both the mother and the son Indira and Rajiv Gandhi did not mind training, financing, and providing wherewithal to blow up Sinhalese Buddhists.

Australia for instance, is still pondering whether to proscribe LTTE as a terrorist group. Is this not mind-boggling? Because Bin laden killed 3,500 in the World Trade Centre attack in 9/11 and the entire Western Hemisphere understandably took up arms against all Muslim fundamentalists. On the other hand, Prabhakaran and his ruthless terrorist outfit has killed and maimed more than 150,000 Sri Lankans over three decades. Yet western countries (Australia, EU, and the rest) are still debating whether to proscribe these Terrorists. Oh! they are Sinhalese and of course Buddhists atheists. Unfortunately though, the Western Capitals and Ne Delhi both are yet to realize that they have financed blowing up of everybody: Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and some nihilists too. Because Sri Lanka had been a multiracial country since its origin unlike countries in the West, which recently embraced this multiracial concept out of economic necessities.

Any objective analysis of Sri Lankan society will show the world that every religion and ethnic group coexist in the country in peace and harmony. Of course there have been politicians with bankrupt minds and myopic vision. These idiotic politicians-belonging to all ethnic groups-from time to time have propagated their pea-brained ideologies at the expense of racial and religious harmony to gain political advantages. They are universal.

Nevertheless, the Sri Lankan government has recently set an example by liberating the Eastern Province from the clutches of terrorism and establishing a civil administration within a very short period of time, which even the “coalition-of -the-willing “could not achieve in Iraq. Is this not a good enough an example for the so called “international community” and the countries like Australia that are still pondering whether to ban LTTE or not and also for those who hold Sri Lanka for ransom saying “no-talk no-aid.” At this crucial juncture what Sri Lanka should do as a self respecting sovereign country is to say to those countries who preach peace and wage war “we will take care of our people and we do not need your aid” and to form alliances with countries that understand the civility and the pain of a bleeding society due to terrorism. And also to move away from the advice of those countries who try to divide others into “Banana Republics” while consolidation their bases (i.e. EU helping Germany to reunify and ripping the Yugoslavia into pieces).

Be self sufficient in food and shelter and educate its children so that growth will come after the malignant tumour is removed. Finally, to Manamohan Singh: Sir let us solve our problem just the same way Indira Gandhi solved the Sikh Separatism in Punjab.

By Tilak Dias

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