Racial hatred towards the majority Sinhala Community

Is organised by the Tamil diaspora: Sri Lanka Guardian website Published an article with the image of the President Mahinda Rajapakse along side the image of Hitler and a swastika. The article compared the President Rajapakse speaking in Tamil at the UN GA, to Hitler speaking in Hebrew. That image was really shocking and a saddening reminder of the hatred of the Sri Lanka Tamil diaspora towards the Sinhala Community. The Sri Lanka Guardian Website should not have published that image.

[ad#200×200]That historic speech of the President in Tamil was an earnest call coming from deep down his heart for the patriots of Sri Lanka to rally round him what ever differences they have. That call was not received with any respect or appreciation. It was made an occasion for contempt and derision.

Then again when the President referred to the Tamil Community as “brothers and sister of the north and east”, another from the Tamil diaspora, challenged the President’s right to call the Tamils of the north and east , as “brothers and sisters”. Though the Tamil diaspora would not call the Sinhala their “brothers and sisters”, the President has a right more than any one else to call the people of any community in Sri Lanka “brothers and sisters”.

These out bursts of intolerance are a recognisable mark of the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora. Until that hatred is eliminated, the Tamil diaspora cannot expect a communal unity in their motherland . It is the expiation of intolerance, anger and hatred, that will bring them close to their people-the Sinhala, Tamils and Muslims. A patriot cannot love his or her motherland without extending love and compassion to all the people sharing the same motherland.

A Sinhala can say that Sri Lanka belongs to him, so can a Tamil , a Muslim, a Burgher or a Malay. That is logically true, but belonging to Sri Lanka makes each one a part of the larger Nation. Therefore, no one could call the President of the Country elected by a larger majority of voters from all communities, a Hitler. It is worst of the insults that one can make to any person, let alone the President.

A person of the Sinhala diaspora, to my memory, has not still called the ruthless terrorist, the psychopath Prabhakaran a Hitler. It is regrettable it had to come from a writer from the Tamil diaspora, to call the President of Sri Lanka who has given so much of hope, for the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim Communities, to live together in peace and unity after nearly three decades of suffering under terrorism.

These flames of hatred are being kindled by the Tamil diaspora, now with the blessings of Karunanidhi of Tamil Nadu who is openly supporting the terrorist in Sri Lanka. Fortunately, our own Tamil sisters and brothers, living with their Sinhala, Muslim, Burgher, and Malay compatriots, are not hateful racists. There are of course those political fanatics like Mano Ganeshan and Chandrasekaran who will brandish their racial torches, but it will not have the desired effect as the local Tamil Community are becoming more aware of the reality of terrorism as a danger to desperately needed peace and unity in the country.

Therefore, we begin to see that the racial hatred towards the Sinhala is being fanned by the Tamil diaspora , projected to attract the sympathetic attention of the International Community towards the terrorists, as Tamils whose human rights are being violated by the Sinhala majority government. This does not work any more, even though the Tamil Nadu has swallowed the human rights issue, hook, line and sinker, and is all out to get the Central Government of India to call for a “cease fire” in Sri Lanka. The more knowledgeable International Community , and the Indian Central Government have understood, that it is the Tamil diaspora and the Tamil Nadu that is carrying on a campaign to save the ruthless terrorist Prabhakaran and his mislead companions.

The Government of Sri Lanka is not fighting against the civilian population , but on the other hand the government forces in attacking the areas occupied by the terrorists have so far avoided the civil population. There is evidence in an article carried in the TamilNet website under the title: ” Five wounded, SLAF bombers attack again civilian targets in Paranthan” dated 9.11.2008.
The 7 images attached to the article, except for the child being treated in a hospital and a wounded boy on a hospital bed, show only buildings that have been damaged . If there were a large number of civilians that had been killed , the TamilNet would have capitalised the situation by showing the photos of mutilated bodies of civilians killed in the bombardments. http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=27435

This is perfectly clear evidence that the Government Air Force bombardments had not killed any civilians, only five had had been wounded. The Tamil diaspora, Tamil Nadu and the International Community should take note.

The Government Forces of Sri Lanka are carrying out a remarkable “war” against the terrorists, that should be a model for the American Armies in Iraq and Afghanistan. This they are doing taking lot of risks in view of the fact that these inhuman terrorists have laid innumerable personal mines and booby trap. In addition to that the battle is being carried out in difficult tropical weather conditions, in marshlands, mud and water.

Despite this the Soldiers of the Government Forces have not left the bodies of fallen terrorists, without checking to see whether any one is still alive. That is how they were able to save the 18 year old terrorist “Priya” who had been found among the bodies of the fallen terrorists. Who could therefore say that the Soldiers of Government Forces are brutal and violators of human rights ?

By Charles.S.Perera

One thought on “Racial hatred towards the majority Sinhala Community

  1. The above article racial hatred has been instilled in the Tamils, with other propaganda works to show the world that the Tamils are marginalized. Now the purpose is clear.If you want eelam you have to lie, cheat, murder to get it, but this day and age, adverse possession will not give you a state.Neither the people or government will allow even under duress.The Goal of eelam is the downfall of the ltte/tamils. The current fighting has awaken the majority Sinhalese,Burghers,Tamils,Moors and others.This war is taken very seriously to end.The objective is clear and transparent. The ltte leader Prabakaran and his croonies has to go. His speech showed that he is not a genuine leader.And probably written by and Idiot.How can you represent the Tamils who are highly educated and hardworking to destroy everything from family ,house,possession etc.You have killed Tamils who are much smarter than you. In the land of the Blind the One eyed is King. Now see the true colours of the United Sri Lankans. Every action will cause a reaction.

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