Calling The Tamil Nadu Politicians Jokers Is Putting It Mildly !

Dec.9th 2008: It has now become a global joke that the Tamil Nadu politicians are ticked off over comments made by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces commander Lieut General Sarath Fonseka to the effect that Tamil Nadu politicians are jokers as these politicians through their own actions have invited the comments.Furthermore, by their puerile and irresponsible actions in calling upon the Indian Government to intervene into the Sri Lankan Armed Forces drive to eliminate the LTTE terrorists with any means including militarily as they implied albeit perhaps not in so many words they seem to have no regard for world opinion which suggests that in every case there is no justification for harbouring terrorists or supporting their existences! They seem to have no regard for the realities surrounding the situation in Sri Lanka today which is not about innocent Tamils as they openly suggest but the primary importance of ridding the Nation of Sri Lanka and the entire region of South Asia of the unwelcome presence of dangerous Tamil Tiger terrorists!

[ad#200×200]Having failed to get the Indian Government’s attention to respond to their pleas tangibly which at times were laced with threats, these jokers, who they should now truly desereve to be known globally regardless of Leuit. Gen. Fonseka’s comments are now trying to stir up international attention through a storm in a teacup that they are offended at being called jokers.They are in fact a bunch of calculating criminals if the correct term was applied as the world is aware of their true objectives of helping the survival of the LTTE terrorists yet continue to harp on a theme which is tantamount to a pack of hounds baying at the moon!!
To add to their chagrin, through their totally irrational bellyaching they are more than likely to bring disrepute to their own country by trying to drag their country’s legislators into a worthless mire of misconceptions when these lawmakers have their hands full with the goings on in their own backyard! So how can the politicians of Tamil Nadu quell the hoots and cackles directed at them by a very discerning global audience through their own transparencies, let alone Lieut. Gen. Sarath Fonseka?

To read that Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi on Monday has said ” it was condemnable if Sri Lankan Army Chief Sarath Fonseka had described a couple of Tamil Nadu politicians as “political jokers.” becomes even more laughable as the issue is so petty that it probably evokes laughter from even the Indian Politicians in their legislative assemblies who are probably contemplating at this very moment the best means to stifle these jokers from bringing further laughter as a result of their misguided as well as ignorant actions! This has been further emphasized by Tamil Nadu rhetoric quoted as suggesting that “The leaders in Tamil Nadu can criticise one another. But we can never allow a person from another country criticising our leaders,” as has been said by Karunanidhi to reporters.

Furthermore The Tamil Nadu Politicians need to be reminded that in any democracy there rests the privilege of freedom of expression which the Commander of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces was availing himself of within limits. While his comments are more tongue in cheek and seem relatively harmless the many recent utterances against the Sri Lankan Administration and the Armed Forces by Karunanidhi, Vaiko and Ramdoss to name a few, sound dangerous and threatening enough towards liabilities for indictment and incarceration as they do not represent the mood of the Indian Government relative to the situation in Sri Lanka by any stretch of the imagination and perhaps the Indian Government owes it as a responsibility and show of good faith to stifle and warn these impervious big talkers of Tamil Nadu what their statutes of limitations are if such a thing is available in India and the extent to which they have overstepped it!!
All of the agitations of the Tamil Nadu politicians it must be noted, point only to one thing which is a desperate attempt by the pro LTTE sources they truly are demanding that the Indian Authorities get involved in attempting to stop Sri Lanka’s concerted drive to eliminate the LTTE terrorists. Whilst resorting to the pitch that poor innocent Tamils are being victimised in the process which is more a concoction and created innuendo, theirs has a darker agenda! where the Sri Lankan Tamils have been given every assurance by the SL Administration that they would be protected although the terrorists in some cases have suppressed their bid to escape their clutches. It is with this stark reality in mind that the Armed Forces leader in all probabilities has said confidently ( leaving aside the tongue in cheek aspect of it towards posterity!)that India would not dance to the tunes of the Tamil Nadu Politicians and their Nagasalams, as India recognized the importance of co-operating with Sri Lanka towards eliminating the LTTE terrorists as it concerned the overall importance of Regional Safety and the preservation of the Sovereignity and Terrotorial Integrity of Sri Lanka.

In this respect the babbling of the Tamil Nadu politicans who sound irrationally demented at times suggesting that the Sri Lankan High Commission in Chennai needs to be closed down and that Lieut Gen. Sarath Fonseka needs to be taken to task and an apology demanded etc. etc. are merely talking through their hats as the protocols surrounding the foreign relations between India and Sri Lanka seem to be beyond their comprehension and are not only a bunch of jokers but sound more like a bunch of misguided morons attempting to bring to disrepute the good name of the Indian Administration at its highest level while synonymously attempting to interfere into Sri Lanka’s drive against terrorism!

The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial

3 thoughts on “Calling The Tamil Nadu Politicians Jokers Is Putting It Mildly !

  1. Singalese are to my opinion a bunch of retards- they insult Indian politicians and expect us to stay silence.
    We will stay silence- but watch waht will happen?
    You are not Aryan?
    You are a bunch of aborigines by the way.

  2. Regarding a comment by an Indian,
    Our General may have used a wrong word “Joker”,instead It should be “Mental Retarded”. According to your comment aborigines are mental retarded people. But tamils claim they are aborigins.So tamil politicians in India should be Mental retarded to request a democraticaly elected govenment of sri Lanka to stop its war against internationaly proscribed terrorist group LTTE.

  3. Hi,

    I am an indian and i totally agree with this article. Karunanidhi is not only a joker but an ass of the biggest order. I am of the opinion that the SL Army Chief should be taken to task for calling Tamil politicians “jokers”. This is an insult to jokers worldwide. The SL Army Chief should have used a stronger word to describe these Tamil politicians, who should be shot dead at the first instance. On one hand we deplore the meddling of Pakistan in our internal affairs and on the other these politicians create and harbour terrorists who make life of the average Sri Lankan a mess. Karunanidhi should be stripped naked and beaten to death.

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