Terrorist acts in countries that nurture terrorists

The world condemned the terrorist mayhem committed by a terrorist outfit called ‘Deccan Mujahideen’ in Mumbai. Sri Lanka Government also joined the band wagon in condemning it and had no qualms as a decent Government who cherishes peaceful coexistence so much. It’s true our sympathies are with the innocent people killed in this terrorist act.

[ad#200×200]India during late Indira Gandhi’s rule nurtured and trained the most brutal and ruthless terrorist organization called LTTE to destabilize then economically emerging Sri Lanka. We expected that her support would cease after Rajiv Gandhi’s killing by the LTTE. However, after a short spell of silence, Tamil Nadu has woken up from its slumber and reinforced their propaganda in support of the LTTE in public. The centre government has been more than complacent of Tamil Nadu politicians and has hardly taken any action against those politicians who propagate LTTE terrorism in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu coastal belt became an open gate to smuggle arms and fuel into LTTE’s illegally occupied territories etc. If the Indian Government does not nip it in the bud, the next Eelam struggle will arise from Tamil Nadu.

Recently Vaiko the general secretary of MDMK and Subaweera Pandiyan an MP from Tamil Nadu delivered keynote addresses on Prabhakaran’s Heroes Day celebrations in UK and Australia, hailing this terrorist leader as a hero while Mumbai was burning after a terrorist attack.

Despite LTTE being banned in the UK; LTTE’s former ideologist late Anton Balasingham was living in London with the generosity and hospitality of the UK government. His wife Adele who was once the head of the Women Suicide Cadre is still living in London presumably influencing the British politicians. Last week, despite protests from anti-LTTE organizations in London comprising Sinhalese, moderate Tamils and Muslims, a newly formed front called British Tamil Forum organized the Mahaveer Day ( Heroes Day) with pomp and glory with the attendance of some Labour MPs and some independent MPs.

Adding insult to injury, the British Government has gone to the extent of giving a visa to Vaiko from Tamil Nadu to deliver the keynote address on this day despite the fact that he was in jail in India for publicly addressing meetings supporting LTTE terrorists. This is how terrorism is treated in UK. UK has good terrorists and bad terrorists. Muslims are bad terrorists and terrorists like LTTE are good terrorists as these MPS political survival depends on their votes.

Any country, that harbours, nurtures and fosters LTTE terrorists and its fronts allow LTTE fronts to raise funds to fatten the LTTE war chest. Politicians who openly support LTTE fronts for their political survival in their electorates, be they India, UK, Australia, Canada , Norway, USA or any other country and if some extremist terrorist group attacks those countries like what happened in Mumbai or London; they should treat these attacks as clear wake up calls.

Sri Lanka is the most affected country in the world by terrorism. We have seen how the LTTE terrorists have killed thousands of innocent civilians, destroyed remote villages killing of thousands of innocent villagers, bombing of public establishments including tourist hotels, Central Bank, country’s main airport and bus terminal etc., in the past. LTTE’s terrorist atrocities continue to date because the countries mentioned herein are still complacent with LTTE’s dubious operations in procuring arms, raising funds and even some politicians attending and addressing LTTE sponsored rallies and meetings. Therefore, in conclusion, I for one will not condemn terrorists’ acts in countries who harbour, nurture and support some terrorists.

Malin Abeyatunge

One thought on “Terrorist acts in countries that nurture terrorists

  1. love india, if u love india and support it. india is the largest demaracy in the world and we love peace, if u develop anti- india sentiments u know u guys will be in trouble.
    –support india india will support u.

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