Understanding the Terrorist War in Sri Lanka

In order to understand the separatist war in Sri Lanka it is necessary to understand the forces at play in the region. All over the world the western colonial countries are engaged in a struggle to grab world resources. For this purpose they manipulate the politics of the regions they are engaged in, to their best advantage. This is where the Christian Church’s evangelical forces come into play. Whether it is Iraq they are plundering for oil or Sri Lanka where they are playing regional power politics the Christian Church has a role to play. The Christian Church in its various manifestations exists and acts in a symbiotic relationship with the Colonial powers.

One of the ploys they exercise is the surreptitious support they give to separatist movements around the world. A world divided and separated is made weak, easier to manipulate, and exploit. The terrorist war in Sri Lanka is such an enterprise, just the first steps into balkanize the entire region – Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar and so on. Their plans are long-term and evangelization lays the foundation for this ignoble enterprise. The other such ploy going around the world is the so called ‘ globalization’ where countries sell their independence and economic freedom to these very same forces. A country once divided and globalized exists only in name.

To write the story of Ealamist Terrorism in Sri Lanka without explaining the role of the Christian Church is tantamount to writing Hamlet without the prince of Denmark. It is the unseen hand that guides the hands of the Western Christian countries to continue funding of the LTTE terrorists. They operate behind the scenes lobbying, influencing institutions and politicians to lend support and badly needed Oxygen to the terrorist movements. It is in this context that we have to view the statements of the Presidential hopefuls in USA – Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama and many other hillbilly politicians of that country. The voices of Bishop Chickera and those of the Archbishop Oswald Gomis emanate from the very same forces. It is only in this way we can see the wonderful wanderings of Our Lady of Madhu all over Wanni.

We cannot address the whole without addressing its individual components. Thus to turn a blind eye to Christian Church activities is to leave an Achilles heel or a virulent cancer unattended. This has been proven over and over again in history. This is why the late President Jomo Kenyatta once said ‘ When they came they had the Bible and we had the land; Now we have the Bible and they have the land” Therefore it is important to put in perspective the Christian Church’s role in the present conflict in Sri Lanka for Sri Lanka too can end in the same predicament.

In the context of the July ’83 riots it is correct to believe that the Church was not at all involved in any violent act, conspiracy, instigation, management or abetment of the riot. The Church was at the forefront of providing safe abode, food and clothing to people who were made homeless. However without our knowledge it was also at the forefront of taking the Ealamist propaganda throughout the world and laying foundations for the future LTTE networks throughout the western world! It is the Christian Church which influenced their flocks to sympathise with the terrorist cause and allow the free flow of contributions in the guise of humanitarian work, projects and charities. They manipulate the sympathy of well meaning people to little understood conflicts in far away places and get them to donate funds which ultimately go out to destroy other nations and their ways of living – all in the name of spreading the ‘Good Word’ of Chritianity, democracy or human rights. It is this misplaced sympathy which is fuelling the fires of terrorism in most parts of Asia today.

Christian Church in all its manifestations is a multi-headed hydra wrecking havoc in the midst of peaceful non Christian nations. While one head is doling out barrels of ‘Christian Love’ the other is busy organizing and executing unethical conversions; yet another is engaged in ‘Peace dialogues with other religious institutions talking co-existence while yet another head is busy collecting funds for the terrorist organization. They incessantly talk of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech. These are the very tools they use to vilify nations into subjugation by bringing in the forces of the western nations to bear on the victim nation. Initially it was the ‘innocent church till’ that collected the funds; this was until the nascent terrorist organization was strong enough to extort money from its diaspora Tamils while lobbying support from host western countries. Today it continues to lobby support for the dying terrorist organization – the LTTE.

Christian evangelization involves stealing the wealth of whole generations. Those who are born and bred in other faiths when converted to Christianity hand over the whole subsequent generations and their wealth to the machinations of the Christian Church. In the process the hopes and aspirations of entire families and communities are lost for all time. The offspring they produce end up hostile and alienated to the mother nation and culture. They become willing instruments of the church first and then of the western colonial powers next.

Evangelism is another form of terrorism. In fact they are sowing the seeds of future terrorism in today’s peaceful lands. Their targets are the sick, the infirm, the destitute, the impoverished and the displaced. They strike their victims when they are at their lowest self esteem. This is why evangelizing hordes frequent such places and communities. They come to divide families, communities, nations and create dissension.

Although outwardly many of western countries have outlawed the LTTE , yet they continue to allow the front organizations to function, raise funds, and extort the Tamil diaspora with impunity. They only act against them when in their lunacy the terrorist front organizations violate the law of the land where they live in. When the long arm of law catches up with them, they metamorphose under a new name. That is all that they need to do.

In Sri Lanka as in India we are now facing the onslaught of the Christian Evangelism. In fact it is only recently that a near senile Pope Jean Paul II on a visit to India proclaimed the 21st Century to be their century for Asia; meaning it is the century for converting Asia to Christianity. This is what the Catholic Church means by having a “Peace Dialogue” with other religions in Asia. What they are talking about is the dialogue of the fox with the chickens!

They have lost their flock in Europe and in North America and with that a sizeable income. They are already paying hundreds of millions of dollars as compensation for the deeds of their pedophilic priests. Their history is a sorry one of having to say sorry when they are exposed. They recently said sorry to the aboriginal community in Australia for the inhumane way these innocent people were handled under their respective dioceses in Australia. They will have to eventually say sorry to the Jews they help exterminate during World War II. It is a well known historical fact that the civilized world lost nearly 500 years of human progress due to Dogmatic Christianity of the Dark Ages in Europe. This was the blood drenched period of Catholic Inquisitions and religious wars – the infamous crusades in Europe and Middle East. Added to these one must consider the atrocities committed by the despicable Portuguese in India and Sri Lanka. The Portuguese Inquisition in Goa and in Sri Lanka were driven by the same evangelizing fever. They are yet to say “Sorry” to these atrocities.

When the Roman emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of his empire, he gave the Bloody Roman Empire a new lease of life and made it the Holy Roman Empire. In the process he created a ‘cut and paste’ religion, which largely borrowed from other religions, their traditions, festivities and excluded many other ‘gospels’ which did not suit his vision for the empire. For example December 25th now celebrated as the birthday of Christ is a holy day borrowed from Mithraism, for nobody knows for sure when actually Jesus Christ was born. Virgin birth is another such borrowed concept.

Constantine’s vision was one of material as well as moral domination of the world. Its present day custodian the Vatican is the modern version of the Bloody Roman Empire newly branded as ‘Holy’. In its present form it is more pagan than the other so called ‘pagan’ religions it destroyed. In addition to the One God, it has a multitude of angels and saints who requires veneration; its latest aspirant the last Pope – Jean Paul II.

There are thousands of Christian NGOs working surreptitiously in Asia spawning dissension and mayhem. Nagaland a former Buddhist hinterland now a Christian enclave engaged in a separatist war with India is a case in point. Now they are targeting Dalits and other minorities in the mainland India. All over the world hundreds of Christian NGO s are seeding terrorism with impunity. The unethical conversions are just the tips of the icebergs. They are dividing families, communities, villages, towns, cities and nations creating disharmony, dissension and intolerance to divide the poor and complete globalization. The terrorist organizations that ultimately result are also euphemistically referred to as Militants, Freedom fighters etc. LTTE is one such sad story. Thus whether it is the LTTE in Sri Lanka the forerunners of today’s suicide bombers, the Nagaland rebels in India, the Karen in the Opium Goldern Triangle between Burma, Thailand and Laos, Hmong between Laos and Vietnam they portray the ‘freedom fighter’ face of Terrorism. They are the newly converted Christians and the new Crusaders!

The other misguided force that operate in the region is India. India’s insecurity comes from her origins as a construct of British Imperialism. It has to contain the forces that are trying to pull it apart from within and other perceived threats from the outside. India can command uniting forces only when it is threatened or is having a ‘perceived threat’ from outside her borders. Then and then only does the famous Indian-ness and love for Mother India come to the forefront. Therefore it is in India’s interest to have on going conflicts with her neighbours. For this India have designs on all her neighbours. All what India can inflict is more and more misery on her neighbours by sponsoring terrorism across her borders. Otherwise for all her threats and arm flexing she remains a paper tiger. If not for India the South Asian region would be a prosperous region by now. This subject needs to be tackled separately.

How Mahatma Gandhi’s name got robbed and ended up with a Catholic Italian needs to be probed. The deaths of Sanjay Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and the mantle of Gandhi’s passing over to a Catholic Italian wouldn’t have happened all by accident. Perhaps they are miracles happening in India for the Christian Church!

To date, we are yet to encounter a single Church Organization who are for a Unitary Sri Lanka or are against the division and balkanization of Sri Lanka. The Christian Church in whatever manifestation, be it Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian or other has always fostered and promoted the larger interests of the Ealamists locally and internationally. They are famous for ‘running with the hares in Colombo and hunting with the dogs in Wanni’. In the ensuing balkanization of Sri Lanka, the Catholic Church is working secretively to establish its own enclave a Christu Rajya in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka. The recent protests about the establishment of the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant and ramblings at the Dambulla Raja Maha Viharaya are simply ways of ‘marking territory’!

Terrorism in any form is a negation of civilized living. Only answer to Terrorism is to destroy it lock stock and barrel wherever it is found for it is a phenomenon outside all civilized norms and needs solutions that are also outside civilized norms. Terrorists must be dealt according to their own code of conduct and with their own medicine. For those who forget, history will repeat and in the future the innocents and naïve of the world will have to endure many more September 11th s.
Terrorism and terrorists do not germinate and prosper in a vacuum. It happens in an atmosphere of family, friends, supportive institutions and willing politicians who will sell their mothers for a few votes. Until such time these individuals who feed on the good will of the society in which they live are threatened with exposure and punishment, terrorism and terrorists too will continue to exist, flourish and create mayhem in civilized society.

The next phase of the separatist war will come when the terrorist forces are routed in the Wanni. For all his ills Sri Lanka still remains as one country, it is due to the intransigence of Prabhakaran. If he ever agreed to get anything in name but Ealam, the traitorous forces in Colombo would have given that to him. At one stage Dona Katarina was willing to give the North and the East of the country to Prabhakaran for a period of 10 years before elections can be called. Prabhakaran wanted none of that but Ealam. This is why State of Sri Lanka is still intact! When Prabhakaran is gone, the next most dangerous thing to strike Sri Lanka will be the Federalists. They will come to get Ealam by other means, namely by the Federalist Road! The ones to watch are the smooth talking Ananda Sangaree and others of his ilk. Federalism is even more dangerous than Ealam because it will lead to the further dismemberment of Sri Lanka and the Christian Church’s wish of the interim Kristu Rajaya too will come true. This is before the whole of Sri Lanka is made the Kristu Rajaya a la South Korea!

For the heroic efforts of our armed forces and their valiant commanders to come to fruition the consolidation of their victories must be given precedent, just as it is done in the East now! This will take time and the nation must be prepared for it.

by Ratanapala

One thought on “Understanding the Terrorist War in Sri Lanka

  1. We are so close to eleminating LTTE and now this Ratnapala moran is trying to stirr up an issue with the Christians and Buddists. Idiot. Why cant people just enjoy life and enjoy mother lanka in peace. Editors. Please do everyone a favor and stop publishing dumb articles like this.

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