Wanni Terrorists Vow to Sabotage Sri Lankan Economy

THEIR PAWN RANIL ALREADY IN THE GAME: The severely beaten Wanni terrorists have said that they will continue to fight even if they lose more territory inside the area they prepared to establish their dream state. Also they have said that they plan to attack the Sri Lankan economy as part of their strategy.

[ad#200×200]The Sri Lankan government military offensive that has made the most progress of any in the 25-year-old war is now on the edge of the rebel’s self-proclaimed capital, Kilinochchi beating the terrorists from in and out. The terrorists are no match to the brave Sri Lankan forces and their own boastings of their military power has been reduced to rubbles by the advancing troops. Some wise rebels have started to abandon their useless fight and surrendering to the government forces. Those surrendered rebels have requested their colleagues to follow their suits as there is no point of sacrificing their lives any more.

When the terrorists are vowing to sabotage against Sri Lanka’s $32 billion economy, their pawn and partner, Ranil Wickckramasinghe has already proved to the world that he and his team of clowns are already in that game. Ranil Wickckramasinghe the spineless and shameful traitor of Sri Lanka has been traveling around the world requesting the heads of states not to grant loans or any help to Sri Lanka. This number one enemy of Sri Lanka is leading a party and the million dollar question is why there is no any responsible citizen in that party to sack and kick him out!

Ranil the joker and his team of clowns namely Tissa Attanayake, Lakshman Kiriella, Vajira Abeywardane, Jayalath Jayawardane and newly joined Karu Jayasuriya and likes will go to the book of shames in Sri Lankan history. Magalia Samaraweera does a same shameful role.

Ranil and these clowns have become a tumor to the country and they must be completely eliminated before it turns into a cancer. The great United National Party has been ruined by these traitors and they have destroyed the cause of its noble foundation. In the name of their survival they are helping the terrorists and if they can see what had happened to the terrorists sympathizers, they will not do so. The name of the game of the terrorists is to kill and eliminate their own supporters at some point and most probably the destiny of these clowns will also be the same, if they do not stop helping them. Rajiv and Premadasa are few examples.

Now the terrorists are being effectively eliminated and the final victory is clearly eminent, Sri Lankans shall start eliminating those traitors from the politics for good. Ranil Wickckramasinghe has created a special spot in the Hall of Shames in Sri Lanka by exhibiting his disgraceful traitorous acts. He should double check whether he is really wearing his clothes when he is criticizing the brave Sri Lankan forces. He should double check whether he is speaking naked when he tries to burden the government with economical hurdles.

If the members of the executive board of United National Party possess back bones, they shall kick these disgraceful people from the party and strengthen the country with a broad minded opposition. Sajith Premadasa, Wijemu, Rukman, SB and likes should take the lead.

As far has the UNP is in the hands of this spineless Ranil, the party will be heading to the hell with an unstoppable speed.

Having said above, the Sri Lankan government shall implement all necessary measures to safeguard its economy with extra vigilant strategies.

Good Bye to the terrorists and traitors of Sri Lanka!

By Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

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