Open Letter to Catholic Church – A Catholic’s Point of View

My dear Church,
Being a Buddhist with catholic family background to-gether with a college education, I wish to express my unbiased opinion on the Terrorism in Sri Lanka. As my parents are of a mixed marriage, there was a greater influence on my life until I finished my secondary education.

[ad#200×200]In the early 1980s when Indian Prime minister Indira Gandhi and South Indian Chief Minister M.G.Ramachandran gave birth to LTTE, the world church took the view that Sri Lanka’s majority Buddhist government was ill-treating minority Tamils. All western countries supported the minority Tamils and capitalising on their sympathy, Sri Lankan Tamils enjoyed easy visas to enter any country of their choice with the blessings of World Church Organisation. Hindu Tamils became strong Catholics for the time being only to enjoy the privileges offered by the western countries.

The corrupt western Politicians too quickly grabbed the opportunity to fill their electorates with cheap Sri Lankan Tamils. Naturally these cheap and corrupt western politicians had to support Tamils knowing very well that the Tamils have exaggerated the situation with invisible ideology. After tsunami struck Sri Lanka, Canadian Prime Minister did not waste his valuable time on tsunami, Martin opened an immigration office in the North and recruited thousands of Tamils in to his electorate. Free air passage was also provided to the Tamil recruits. A large number of Tamils became Bishop Tu TUS to infiltrate the Catholic Church to conduct their master minded carefully planned propaganda work against Buddhist Sri Lanka. British Parliamentarians like Keith Vass (an Indian),Canadian Politicians like Alan Rock, Australian Politicians like Gareth Evans, Radhika Kumarasamy ( Sri Lankan Tamil), including hired by the LTTE international journalists played a major roles in defaming Sri Lanka’s image.

If a careful research study on the background of those Terrorist sympathisers was conducted, it would reveal how much influence there had been by the church. The Tamils arrived in truck loads in those shores of their choice. The world Refugee Council was very sympathetic towards the bogus Tamil refugees as the world church organisation was heavily involved with the World Refugee Council. Majority Buddhist Sri Lanka Government had been inundated with accusations by the Western World influenced by the catholic church of minority Tamil’s legitimate rights been denied. In the early 1980s when Sri Lanka Government accused the Terrorist LTTE, Jaffna Bishop called them BOYS. Rayappu Joseph in Mannar supported Jaffana Bishop all the way through.

At the early stage of Terrorism the church took an open view of the terrorists are fighting a just cause. To me the just cause was invisible and it was the EMPERRORR’S CLOTHES. All catholic’s supported the view of the church at the beginning but the situation has changed now. The church had been instrumental in building up of a world opinion to tarnish Sri Lanka’s Buddhist reputation. The catholic’s being generally disciplined people remained silent observers withought getting involved in the dispute. In the recent episode in the Madhu Church Statue, Rayappu Joseph did his best to protect the boys. He must now realise that the Buddhist Sri Lanka Government with the help of the armed forced brought a peaceful environment to catholics of Sri Lanka to worship Madhu Church withought any disturbances. Sri Lanka’s armed forces gave a new lease of life to Madhu church. My personal belief is that next Madhu Church season comes; the pilgrims will arrive in thousands.

With Tsunami striking Sri Lanka, Melbourne pastor Costello rushed to Sri Lanka. He is heavily involved with World vision Australia in which over 300 volunteers are engaged in Sri Lanka. Pastor Costello returned to Melbourne disgusted with Chandrika Government. Costello was not a happy man as Sri Lanka Government took a strong view against World Vision’s involvement in Sri Lanka in converting Buddhists to Catholics. MY PERSONAL VIEW IS: ALL RELIGIONS ARE GOOD. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE WHAT IS GOOD TO THEM.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Stanley Perera
Melbourne, Australia.

By Stanley Perera from Melbourne

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