What next after Mullativu ?

Mullativu should first be completely cleared of all terrorist vestiges. Once that is done. There should be a strong military presence with camps and residential houses for the Army Personnel, in Mulativu, Kilinotchi, Trincomalee, Mannar, and Jaffna.

[ad#200×200]The 13 amendment should not be implemented. Now that we have the Provincial Councils, there is no necessity to change that system. But the APRC should be utilised to improve the present political system applying it to all Provinces for an egalitarian development projects. The APRC should be withdrawn from its present object of devolution of power. The Communities-the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim should be mixed so that all provinces will have the presence of the three communities as it is in the south.

No more foreign NGOs or INGOs should be accepted for humanitarian work among our people any where in Sri Lanka. The humanitarian projects should be carried out by our own people- the Sinhala and Tamil and Muslims. They should be trained for that purpose. That would be a means to build trust and a closer relationship between Communities. There should be crash courses in Sinhala and Tamil, in order to remove communication barriers between the communities.

There could also be organised self-service (srama dana movements), where batches of people from the South- such as scouts, social service movement, sent to help the people in the North and East to settle down and clean up areas.

Political Parties should not be identified by reference to Communities. A political party should represent all communities without being exclusive for a particular community. Any rabid anti communal reference should be made a legal offence.

All ancient historical monuments should be protected as National Heritage. Distribution and administration of land should be controlled by the Central Government. All religious land and property should be preserved and developed avoiding conflict situations.

No foreign persons or governments should be allowed to interfere into the development projects of the country. All foreign governments that would like ,to contribute for the development of National Projects should do so through the Government.

Sale of land to foreigners should be controlled without allowing them to settle down in agglomerations to set up separate inclusive private residential blocks , specially in maritime areas to set up holiday resorts, because they bring along with them all forms of corruption.

The Communities should be brought together in Sport, Entertainment, and religious festivities. The Buddhist temples and monasteries in the North East should be renovated and areas to accommodate pilgrims should be set up. This will encourage the Sinhala Buddhists to visit the North and East and come into close contact with the people enabling cordial relations and build trust and confidence among communities.

The school children in the south should have contact with those of the North and East through student exchange or educational tours. Local tourism should be encouraged for people from every corner of Sri Lanka to visit other parts of the country to know the country and understand the people. Accommodation should be provided for government servants in the East and North and professionals from different communities should be encouraged to work in these provinces.

The development of the Southern Provinces had been neglected by previous governments, and the President Mahinda Rajapakse should be felicitated for having at last started major development projects in the South.

People should be happy that a terrorism that marred progress and caused untold suffering to the people and the country is at last tottering to its end. But no, there are still those who seem to want to prolong the suffering, give a new lease of life to a ruthless group of terrorists who were fighting Prabhakarns war, without the least concern for the Tamil people, who they said they represent. It was not on the demand of the Tamil people of north and east that the terrorists engaged themselves in causing savage terror, but it was for Prabhakaran and his supporters of the Tamil diaspora.

Even to-day the Tamil diaspora have not given up the hope that the flagging terrorists will deliver to them the Tamil Homeland that they earnestly hoped for. The Sri Lanka Guardian website shamelessly called Prabhakaran the leader of the Tamil people , and Ilangamuwa said that terrorist did not lose their Killinochchi capital, as they were shifting their capital from time to time. It was once Trincomalee then Kilinochchi and now, he said, they have shifted to Mulativu. The terrorist have however, gone ! gone !! and gone perhaps for ever !!!

Yes “perhaps” for ever, because there are those who still believe that we have not finished with the terrorists. They say once the conventional aspect of their battle is over they will revert to guerrilla warfare, and will cause more damage to the army in their non-conventional guerrilla war. The terrorists are still awaiting for some one to throw a life line, but the sifting sand they have walked onto will not hold them for ever.

It is these irksome “Nobodies” who say that the President has to learn lessons from the past, who do not seem to have learnt any lessons themselves from the past. It is they who with their pseudo intellectual superiority who try to give lessons. They say the governments military operation to defeat the terrorists had not tried to win the hearts and minds of the people. But the government had left the military operations to the Armed Forces, and taken over on itself its rightful duty to provide food and medicine for the ordinary people, and insisted the Government Forces to cause no damage to the civil population. There is no other Military Force in the world which had carried out a very effective military operation against a ruthless terrorist force without causing serious damage to people.

It is up to these intellectuals and pontificating journalists to tell the people of the goodness of the government and win the minds of the people over to the government, and put them against the deplorable terrorists who hold them as human shields to save their skins.

By Charles.S. Perera

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