Eliminating LTTE is not the end of Elamists

When LTTE was about to be dislodged from its bunkers in Alimankada, Ravi Karunanayake had said; the army has gone to Pamankada and not to Alimankada. When our forces are about to wipe out LTTE from the face of Sri Lanka, an NGO quack Tisaranee Gunasekara said; Peripharan and his group will move on to the caverns of Mulathivu jungle and continue its warfare deadlier than before as guerrillas. Another NGO vulture, Jehan Perera prophesies; unless a political solution is offered to redress Tamil grievances, there will be more Peripharans in the future. One could literally find hundreds of such selfish souls that live off from the westerners.

[ad#200×200] Scholars have established that Sinhala Buddhists have evolved in Sri Lanka and defended it for the last two thousand five hundred years. There is a written history about the succession of the sovereigns of Sri Lanka and its enemies. For four hundred and fifty years of that time, three different bandit nations of the west ruled this in part or full. They tried to obliterate Buddhism and place in Christianity stead but failed. They now make out; dividing Sri Lanka is the only way to reach that end. By far, most Sinhala Buddhists believe; any form of federalism or con-federalism would lead to the division of their country.

Now there are more than one hundred million Tamils living all over the world. Historians say; Tamils had their empires in southern India but not in Sri Lanka. Like the bandits of the west, Tamils were here as invaders but such eras were not that long. Every time raiders were chased out, Tamils that remained were absorbed to the Sinhala society.

If Tamils have lived in Sri Lanka from ancient times as some Elamists suggest, they should have developed a vernacular language of their own. The fact that Tamils in Sri Lanka speak same language as Tamils in Tamil-Nadu shows they are recent comers to this land. Best example is; the small nation of Moldavians has a vernacular language of their own.

Anyway, right now, Tamils have no country that they could call their own. They are like the Kurds that live in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and many other countries around that part of the world but no country of their own. This has been a mental agony for most Tamils. Worst, when Tamil tried for separation in India, it was suppressed and was made illegal.

LTTE had made no secret of their true aim, though they say they are fighting for the aspirations of Tamil people. All Tamils knew that the end game of LTTE is to grab north and east of Sri Lanka to establish a state called Elam solely for Tamils. Only stupid like RanilW had not understood this fact. Moreover, LTTE had been successful in mesmerizing most Tamils to think Elam before self. Perhaps that is why; Tamils tolerate even slaying their own kind by LTTE. Most Tamils were tickled as well for suicide bombings by LTTE as the way to reach their goal – Elam. That is why; they have flocked around LTTE in large numbers.

Westerners thrive, if they could divide not just Sri Lanka but India as well for their own ends. They believe that is the way, they could turn Sri Lanka and India Christian. They are making use of large number of evangelists and NGO puppets to do what they failed to do as colonials.

Evangelist and NGO vultures held back ordinary Sinhala Buddhists from uniting against LTTE by humbug and ploys. First, westerners and their NGOs convinced our gullible leaders, ChandrikaB and RanilW that Tamils are being discriminated in Sri Lanka. These scaremongers inculcated us that LTTE cannot be beaten. Then they harangued those two leaders that LTTE could not be beaten. If they ever had frank discussions with suitable parties to ascertain the merits of he claims by westerners, LTTE would have been defeated a long way back.

RanilW got such a defeatist attitude; in a TNL interview in 2001, he told the Sri Lankan public that LTTE could not be defeated. He also said that he could not fight with LTTE if he were elected. Not just RanilW but ChandrikaB also rammed such defeatist ideas down our throat throughout their rule, with all intent and by design; they demoralized all three forces as well. Hence, those two should be held responsible for all the absconding in the army at the time.

When RanilW became Prime Minister, he signed a peace treaty with the man who killed our former President, Premadaa. RanilW let bygones be bygones and became best of friends. He let LTTE procure war related materials; knowingly that it will be used to slay our soldiers.

Now that the demise of LTTE is apparent, RanilW might be moaning in secret. Those that sketched the peace treaty must be plotting for a new scheme. Hence, we are not amused by funny stories in ‘Guruda Vigrahaya’ in Lankadeepa. In it, falsifying media man, Upul Joseph had lamented that RanilW is not given due credit for LTTE demise. We get the smell of a rat, because that is not a eulogy for bereavement of a friend – LTTE.

As much as RanilW and ChandrikaB, LTTE cadres also thought, westerners are in love with them. Peripharan thought they would support him to get his Elam and certainly rescue him at his tight spot. Neither LTTE nor its leader realized that westerners are having a piggyback to their goal on LTTE course. Now that LTTE is a spent force, westerners would ditch it but hang on to its ideology if useful to them.

Westerners are good con men, so are their followers. Take for example Lalith Kothlawala; we have seen he change sides and Lasantha Wickramatunge was halfway through when he was slain. However, there is no evidence what so ever to believe either had changed their values, only sides. Hence, we are least surprised if the NGOs vultures that supported the peace treaty would ditch RanilW and join the President as a ruse to reach their goal post.

LTTE will no longer be able to take majority of Tamils for a ride again. They would inform about leftovers tigers because they are no longer afraid of LTTE. Our forces should go after LTTE, as Israelis went after Nazis and never allow LTTE to regroup.

Evangelists and NGO vultures are more dangerous than LTTE because they are hunting us while being with us. They would get more money from westerners to spend on their new game plan now than before. If the fight with LTTE may be over, the war with the evangelists and NGO vultures have only begun.

Scholars like Professor Nalin de Silva, Dr. Gunadasa Amarasekara and all other of that caliber have to work harder than to ever before to beat them off.

By Herold Leelawardena

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