Has the Danish Refugee Council Donated the Power Generator to the Tamil Terrorist Leader?

I was first surprised by the Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha’s decision to sanction foreign media, and some heads of foreign missions in Sri Lanka. Then to my dismay, I found this startling [ad#200×200]evidence, which amply justifies such a decision. The reason why Sri Lankan government can not trust INGOs, NGOs, and various other so called neutral parties is that they are hell bent on dividing Sri Lanka. They behave like Sri Lanka is just another “banana republic” to which they can dictate terms. The following bears evidence to this fact.

If you carefully look at the list of assets of Danish Refugee Council in Sri Lanka , you will notice a generator with an identification number “DA-6000SS.Engine no 3790685” The inventory list in this link says it is with GA Kilinochchi (http://www.humanitarian-srilanka.org/Final_Report Relocation_of_INGO_from_vanni/pages/assets/DRC_Assets.pdf)

You may notice again a generator lying in Prabhakaran’s house recently captured by Sri Lankan military on February 02, 2009. Danish Refugee Council Donated Power Generator to the velupillai prabhakaranIs it the same generator listed in Danish Refugee Council Inventory, that SL Army has found in Prabhakaran’s Bunker, providing electricity for his air conditioned underground hideout??. Sri Lankan government should trace all the assets taken to Wanni by these humanitarians and bring the culprits to justice for aiding and abetting terrorism. More often than not the usual excuse given when these assets are found in terrorist camps is that “LTTE must have forcibly taken them away.” If this has happened in their country they would definitely bomb the country, which provided these equipment to terrorists. After all, that is the reason why the UK, USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, France, Denmark and Norway are in Afghanistan now.

By Tilak Dias

2 thoughts on “Has the Danish Refugee Council Donated the Power Generator to the Tamil Terrorist Leader?

  1. Dear editor,

    Has the Danish Refugee Council Donated the Power Generator to the Tamil Terrorist Leader??? I wish to inform you a valuable news that,more than 50 Brand new similar Generators in different capacites has sent to Mulathiv by PREMIER ELECTRICAL, (PVT) Ltd., Thimbirigasyaya Road, Narahenpita,Colombo. through a LTTE supporter (Tamil) who work as a Electrical Engineer in 2003 – 2005 Years. That time I was working there as a same position.


  2. Dear editor,
    whatever the westerners say we believe it. we believe it at once without finding the truth whether it’s correct or wrong.They come to this country with raised plag that to help the nations who effected from battle front.
    with this logo they cheated this country , and the people.These orgnisations looked after the existence of the LTTE
    supplying the LTTE everything what they wanted. So it should be a lesson to the hereafter coming goverments and the other countries. thank you.

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