“Concentration Camps” cry the Subversive Terrorist

“Tabloids” Shifting gears from last week’s “Genocide”

Now that the escaping civilians are coming out with true stories about terrorist atrocities of how they were held against their will, forced labor, forced conscription, shooting of catholic nuns, and shooting of helpless women and children trying to escape the misery. That section of terrorist supporting international (and some local) media are already shifting gears from last week’s “Genocide”, to “Concentration Camps”.

[ad#200×200]In order to save this Genocidal Terrorist Organization from extinction, this terrorist promoting lobby of “Tabloids” and the pseudo-peace-activist and their subversive-partners are carrying on an unrelenting campaign to tarnish the image of the Sinhela people. The Tamil Terrorist Diaspora with the help of their colonial masters are now hell-bent on tarnishing the image of the Sinhela people crying “Genocide”, “Concentration Camps”.

These “Tabloids” are forgetting that “Genocides” was committed by their British colonial masters (and Crusading Spanish/Portuguese Empires) against the Sinhela people, and other peoples around the world, during their “Land-Grab”.

These “Tabloids” are forgetting that the Jewish genocide took place in Europe, in Germany, by the Germans, — not in Asia, NOT in SRI LANKA, not by the Sinhela people.

These “Tabloids” are forgetting the “Genocide” that’s going on in Tamil Nadu (Tamil Homeland) against the Dalit caste, and the tribal people in Tamil Nadu/Homeland. They are forgetting the “dowry-murders” in Tamil Nadu/Homeland. Where are the bleeding-heart Human-Rights Watch, and Amnesty International?

Instead, these “Tabloids” and the bleeding hearts get extra mileage out of this Concocted-Sensational-Terrorist-Propaganda-Story.

They are feeding terrorism!

It is very clear that the “Tabloids” distort and pervert the truth about Sri Lanka, for it benefits the World Tamil Terrorist Diaspora – all that, to save the terrorists. Their goal, at this stage of the game, is to whip up “international hysteria” crying “Genocide!” and “Concentration Camps!”. The Tamil Terrorist Propaganda Machine is desperate, and is inciting colonial intervention (invasion).

The Diaspora Tamils and Tamil Nadu Homeland have tried every trick in their book to get India to intervene (invade), again. But India is wiser now, they see through Tamil Naud’s “cry-wolf!”; for they know “whose-next!”. So now they try Gordon Brown – their Colonial Master.

Now Gordon Brown is trying to send Desmond Browne – don’t they realize that we have enough “browns” already – a 21 million? One Les Brown won’t matter!! – did we get that right?]

Sri Lanka, after 60 years of so-called “Independence” from the European-land-grabbers, have endured 30 years of terrorism. A terrorism fed by the same European Masters in Europe.

Last week the “Tabloid” news was about the “genocide” – the hospital bombing by the army, and the shooting of escaping civilians.

Ant this week, in spite of all the pictures of military personnel helping the escaping civilians, and the stories from the civilians of how they were shot by the LTTE, and even the statement from a Catholic nun saying that she was shot by the LTTE, the “yellow” journalists have turned to:

“Concentration Camps”.
SL government seeking funds from the British government to set up these “concentration camps”.

The fact is, Sri Lanka didn’t set up “concentration camps” in the East after clearing out the terrorists there. Look at how many civilians were resettled within a short few months; look at how an election was held within a few months; look at the development of roads, bridges, and waterways that are going on.

The North however is different, and the task will be more challenging, with more committed LTTE supporters among the mostly innocent civilians.

But why would the government be planning ‘CONCENTRATION CAMPS” for 250,000 people? Can the government afford to keep 250,000 people in camps? Look at the East, the population there are already contributing to the national economy, which means less burden on the central government. Similarly, the North will contribute to the national economy and be less of a burden on the government.

Are these terror supporters still saying the Sri Lanka government is stupid?

[We must find out more about this “Terror Support Propaganda Network” and their Training Programs]

by Hela Puwath

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