Indian journalist enters Katchativu without visa

An article published in an Indian Tamil magazine called ‘Kumudam’ to be published on 20th August and would come on stands later indicates that one of its reporters called Pushkin Rajkumar has visited Katchativu. The article indicates that he sailed from Rameshwaram with Indian fishermen in their boat and in spite of being observed by Indian coast guard and naval helicopters entered Katchativu and remained there for more than two hours.

In the article he states, “We, on reaching ashore and stepping on the Island, got the happiness of winning back a nation.”

Katchativu, according to the International Border Agreement entered with India is a territory of Sri Lanka. In 1974 as well as in 1976, Indian Government has confirmed as well as reconfirmed that the island of Katchativu is a territory belonging to Sri Lanka.

Hence the journalist from ‘Kumudam’ should have got permission from S.L. government to enter a part of its territory. However, the article does not indicate he had got permission. In fact he states, “As they (the fishermen) had “Fishermen identity cards” issued by the government, they could visit our (Indian) boundary near Kachchativu and come back. But it is a risk by all means, for us to go with those fishermen. He states, “Even though we had moved to a ‘fisherman’s” getup by wearing dhothi, shirt and tied shawls on our heads, we got scared whenever we saw patrolling boats on the way….”

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka’s Deputy High Commissioner in Chennai P.M. Amza has told the media that no one by the name mentioned in the Indian magazine ‘Kumudam’ has applied for visa to enter Katchativu.

Palk Bay has been declared a security zone by Sri Lanka government and vessels entering into the Sri Lanka waters are strictly prohibited due to security reasons of the country.

As such, the reporter of ‘Kumudam’ has violated the law of the country and the publishers of ‘Kumudam’ and its editor has aided him to do so. In a situation India has intensified its intervention in the internal matters in Sri Lanka the government should take stern action regarding this act of criminal trespassing Sri Lanka’s territory state several political analysts.

source: Lanka Truth


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