Why blame the Government of Pakistan for terrorism ?

Immediately after the Mumbais Terrorist attack India held Pakistan responsible for it. The fact that there are terrorists within the borders of Pakistan does not mean Pakistan is responsible for terrorism. The terrorism is a cancer of which Pakistan itself would like to be cured . India should extend its support to Pakistan to fight terrorism in her soil as there is a serious threat of terrorism spilling over to India in a larger scale.

The September 11 terrorist attack of the twin towers in New York was carried out by terrorists who lived in America. While living comfortably in America the planned, prepared and carried out the disastrous attack. America cannot take the blame for that attack because the terrorists living in America planned, prepared and carried out the attacks in America.

The killing of the late Rajiv Gandhi was planned by the terrorists in Sri Lanka,and carried out by them in India. But the Sri Lanka Government cannot be held responsible for the assassination of the Indian Prime Minister, because it was carried out by the terrorists who were in Sri Lanka.

Therefore, I cannot understand the logic of holding Pakistan responsible for the terrorist activities carried out by a group of terrorists hiding in Pakistan.

The recent attack on the bus carrying the Sri Lanka Cricketers, is a reprehensible inhuman savagery. Terrorism as a political tool could be understood, but not when terrorism is carried out against other field of activity such as sport, entertainment etc. What was evident in the terrorist attack on the cricketers was a break down some where of the security measures that had been in place. May be there were certain weak links in the security chain, some members of the security service giving in to the terrorist in connivance or through fear.

It becomes clear to a careful observer that even to have come out of that bleak situation with that much of damage was a miracle. And we feel happy our Cricketers got away with the minimum of physical harm.

Pakistan Government could learn a lot from Sri Lanka in its fight against terrorism. In the incident in question we did not see any road blocks ( were they removed on the orders of the Supreme Court !) any where on the rout to the stadium, or cordoning off of areas where security was imposed without allowing access to the area by the public, and keeping the area under surveillance. After the shooting there was no immediate rush of Security Forces to the area to attempt to apprehend the escaping terrorists.

The terrorism in Pakistan is a lesson for India and the International Community who seem to treat terrorism differently according to where it takes place, and to what extent it affects them. The International Community and India seem to treat terrorism in developing countries as rebellions by freedom fighters.

They accept terrorism as such only when it affects them. The International Community refuses to negotiate with the terrorists but demands developing countries in the grip of terrorism to negotiate with the terrorists. This double standard has encouraged terrorism, and terrorists.

Terrorism will continue as long as the International Community refuses to consider terrorism any where, at any scale as a part and parcel of the same global terrorism, that has to be stopped at any cost before it becomes a threat to world peace.

When a small country with all obstacles put on its path is successfully eliminating terrorism from its territories, the developed countries let loose a whole lot of human rights activist, agents of the amnesty international, groups of ex- Ambassadors, Senators, and Attorneys to give a life line to terrorists.

The argument may be that the terrorists in developing countries are not that dangerous to the countries of the International Community.
They can meet with these terrorists, share a drink or sit for a meal with them. That is what they had been doing in Sri Lanka with the
terrorists like Tamilselvam in Kilinochchi. Therefore, for them they
are a “friendly” sort of terrorists with whom they could even talk about making bombs or training a suicide cadre !!.

No country affected by terrorism should allow INGOs from entering conflict areas or have any dealings with the terrorists.

If global terrorism is to be removed for good, there should be a planned global effort without differentiating terrorism according to where it exists, or to what extent it affects the countries of the International Community. But terrorism where ever it exists in what ever scale, should be treated as a part of the global terrorism.

In other words the world should not accept terrorism in Sri Lanka for instance, as different from terrorism against America. The fundamental error made by the International Community is the sorting out of terrorism, as their terrorism and our terrorism.

Human Rights Activists, should be kept away from countries affected by terrorism, as violation of human rights, and military operations against terrorism are incompatible. Terrorism does not respect life it is an all out terror to kill, devastate and create fear. Seeking to accuse a governments in the grip of terrorism, for violation of human rights will only favour terrorism, causing a disadvantage to
the government in its fight against terrorism.

The World Leaders planning to fight terrorism , should not let terrorism arise where it did not exist before. Therefore as much as possible the leading Countries should not begin their action against terrorism establishing enmity with other nations. All those Nations big and small determined to fight against terrorism should make a joint effort without seeking to protect their own interest

Iran is a free country. It has the right to develop independently without being interfered into its internal affairs by the developed Nations of the International Community. If Iran’s development of the nuclear programme troubles the International Community, it should not adopt aggressive methods to stop Iran from carrying out its nuclear programme. It is only through dialogue and through a friendly approach that Iran should be persuaded to use its nuclear programme for peaceful purposes.

The International Community should not treat terrorism in Sri Lanka less importantly because it does not affect USA or Great Britain. The criteria should not be to what extent is the terrorism in one country going to affect other countries such s USA or UK, but the criteria should be that the terrorism any where in any country in the World is accepted as affecting all countries of the world. They should all give a country fighting to eliminate terrorism all material and moral assistance.

To conclude, the developed countries should change its aggressive method of imposing its leader ship in the world, without respecting the Sovereignty of other nations. The International Community should adopt a different attitude from that of an aggressive nosey parker.
It is in the best interest of the world that Pakistan is helped to set up an anti terrorist force, to effectively fight terrorism within its territory, instead of accusing Pakistan for what it is not responsible.

By Charles S.Perera

2 thoughts on “Why blame the Government of Pakistan for terrorism ?

  1. Dear Sir,
    Pakisthan is fully responsible for whatever has happened bad in India,
    For God sake look into the future and you will find that the terrorist country has always tried to harm.
    Boss we are not asking anything from them and moreover why do the Pakisthani government forget that population of our beloved muslim brothers is more than theirs.

  2. Ya I agree shaibal.. It’s like whatever bad still happening in Sri Lanka like terrorism & suicide bombs, India is entirely responsible. Because India Planed it, Created it & Maintained it.

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