Hijack Oprah Show!

The Editor: Washington Times,
Please be kind enough to give some space in your esteemed journal to air my views about an impending false propaganda event!

Hijack Oprah Show!

Your show is widely seen all over the Globe, may not be simultaneously but it is. Due to the seriousness and sensitivity of the subjects you choose in the program, very high percentage of the audience appreciate and are thankful to you, for educating them of things that otherwise are unknown to them. This is the magic of audio visual media been very effective to capture the attention of the viewers.

Sometimes your openness, goodness more importantly the milk of human kindness prompts people to approach you to deliver a message to your audience. Mostly these are of beneficial in nature; idle minds are set in motion to think. Who had no proper education; it opens their mind from darkness to the light! However amongst those who use your show to capture a wider publicity are a few rouges take you for a ride. You can remember a book that was given undue publicity in your show and later you regretted and apologised being naive to believe the author.

The intention of this message is to caution you on a possible attempt by the supporters of a brutal terrorist organization LTTE of Sri Lanka to come on your show to promote falsehood making your show the cat’s-paw to denigrate a decent Government. At present this brutal mob is cornered to a very small area in the Northern part of Sri Lanka and in the final stages of been eradicated for good. Now those Sri Lankan Tamils who have migrated to Greener pastures, having enjoyed the free education, free health etc and earned a name are unashamedly distorting facts of what is happening in Sri Lanka in the presence of World media to give a new lease of life to a Terrorist movement.

Your program is the best for that exposure. Dear, Oprah a crime can be committed in different ways, one can be an accomplice to a crime unknowingly, so that’s what you would be embarking on if this goes to Air on one sided views. There’s nothing much one can do to stop you from airing such an event if my assumptions are correct, however I can make a humble request to allow someone from the Sri Lankan Government side to represent so that a balance viewpoint can be presented to the audience.

This mob has assassinated a President, a Prime Minister of India, a Foreign Minster, almost another President and a host of moderate Tamil leaders as the Governments have not succumbed to their unjustifiable requests. Their dialogue is through violence!

You are well aware reformers like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Lech Walesa proved that non-violent approach is the decent and honourable way to win the Hearts and minds of cultured people, It may take time, but the day will be dawned, that’s why you and the World at large have Mr. Obama as the President of the most Powerful Country of the World, America!

LTTE leader Prabhakaran, the Tiger Supremo, began his career by murdering a federalist Tamil politician, the Mayor of Jaffna, Northern city of Sri Lanka who preferred to work within the political system.

The inception of the guerrilla war since then has been waged off for nearly three decades. Yet LTTE hide the fact that the Tigers have killed more Tamils than the Sri Lankan government has in battle, their own brethren i.e. rival Tamil who do not agree with unreasonable requests or who have joined the main stream politics were eliminated systemically.

Quite recently award nominated Hip Hop Artist M.I.A a Sri Lankan born Tamil woman appeared on several TV shows starting from Travis Smiley show to seize the moment to announce to the World pack of lies to justify the LTTE as good Terrorists ever to be among the Terrorists in the World. This woman is the Niece of the LTTE leader Prabakaran, while her father a staunch supporter of the LTTE wing in the UK, raising funds under bogus charities to procure the war weaponry!

Travis Smiley was gracious enough to give an opportunity to the Secretary of Foreign Ministry to defend these falsehood, unfortunately it was too late, the first impressions last heavily in the minds of the audience, you know how the media works, a sorry, apology after an event is just formality but it doesn’t bring the same result as the original publicity.

Recently there had been several damaging news items on international news media about the Sri Lankan forces by Colombo’s Associated Press Bureau Chief Mr. Ravi Nessman a foreign journalist to which he later apologised to the Army Commander General that he is unaware how the facts became distorted, so being a journalist yourself, you can see how this guy tries to make a fool of these brown people with his assumed supremacy! I am sure this is nothing new to you.

This news items is now widely used by the sympathizers of the LTTE. This was repeated by Anna Niestat recently at the FRC hearing.

I believe you would seriously give due consideration to my just request!

Yours Sincerely,
Vajeera Warnakulasuriya
Melbourne, Australia

12 thoughts on “Hijack Oprah Show!

  1. The LTTE are freedom fighters. The mayor of Jaffna was taking bribes from the government and made decisions that were only benificial to him and the genocidal singhalese extremist government. It was necessary to remove him from power to protect the innocent tamil citizens of Jaffna. Severe media cencorship and the ban of reporters in the country is spreading false propaganda all over the world. Stop killing innocent people, you anti-Christs. The Lot of you.

  2. As M.I. A has very strong ties to LTTE (the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world) founder and operator the views that she spells are very bias. The world must realize this fact and as an unbiased viewer of the Oprah’s show please find out yourself what the truth is. It is not hard.
    One can blame a myth of genocide in Sri Lanka by Sri Lankan government and Sinhalese (not singhalese) but there is no such activity. This is all LTTE propaganda to get the attention and sympathy covering their chemical weapons (recently found in Sri Lanka) hiding under the mat . It is not hard to understand Tamils who were granted asylum strongly hang on to this false accusation helping this terror group to make lives miserable of their own Tamils in Northern part of Sri Lanka.
    Just pay a visit to Sri Lanka where Sinhalese live and see for yourselves how Tamils are living amongst Sinhalese and other minorities. Sri Lanka will become a paradise once again when this terror group is eradicated. Hope it will be not too far and stop this Tamil … Sinhala nonsense. Separatism has no merit.
    As Oprah is an intelligent individual she will get all the facts behind the conflict and hope she (M.I.A) will not easily get away with propagating false accusations.

    Los Angeles

  3. Dear Oprah,
    Please tell these young six students to GO HOME! Terrorist leader Prabahkaran put his own son in harmes way.. Why not others? He already killed more than 70.000.

    S W

  4. Has LTTE bought Oprah? Dont think so, however she’s going to be part of a lie. People talk about MIA, but I dont she’s regarded that high (not in England anyway). Also, her music sucks..

  5. Music is an international language.Same time MIA use her talents(Music) to involve with Sri Lanka’s current problem.LTTE is a terroist organization. Dont waste music or your talent for that. Dear England born stupid girl stay out of this.Stigk with what you are good, which is music

  6. Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka is the most ruthless and brutal terrorists in the world. As Sri Lanka is not significant to the powerful nations in the world, these terrorists were not considered as a threat to powerful nations and allowed to propagate. Tamil Tigers have used the generosities of Commonwealth countries and used the facilities to grow as terrorists and kept attacking and killing Tamils and other nationalities in Sri Lanka. This is a very cunning, deceptive group who has sources in the USA and Canada who cleverly form lies to hoodwink people of USA, Canada and other western countries. The WALK from Toronto to Chicago to Oprah show by Tamil Tiger supporting students in another of their tactics to use Oprah’s stage to voice their “innocent” issue to the world!!!
    M.I.A is a singer in the USA. Her father was one of the terrorist fighters in Tamil Tiger group in Sri Lanka some 20 years ago. He died in terrorist activities and his family migrated to UK and then to USA. M.I.A has no idea what is going on in Sri Lanka, she just go by her dad’s path and think the way her dad and others in that terrorist organization think. She is brain washed to be one of them. She also seems to be only good at Music, but she tries to talk “on behalf” of Tamils without any background knowledge or understanding about the depth of the issue. She just gives a voice to the terrorists to say what they want. Please do not give a support to any terrorism.

  7. Dear Oprah,
    Please tell these young six students to GO HOME! Terrorist leader Prabahkaran put his own son in harmes way.. Why not others? He already killed more than 70.000.

  8. There is propoganda on both sides, and it is pointless trying to analyse who is saying what and why they are saying it. All citizens in Sri Lanka need to look at what they themselves think and decide if they are happy the way they are living, whether they can speak freely about any subject, whether they can be friends with Tamils or Sinhalese without their neighbours talking. Hopefully one day the whole country will function as a healthy community. It is in a terrible state of war and has been for decades, the psychological toll on both sides must be huge. For people to be getting upset over a group of youngsters trying to talk to Oprah surely something must be wrong with this society, or maybe they are so worked up they don’t realise that in civilised society facts stand independently of propaganda.

  9. Oprah, as Sinhalese youth, I highly recommend that you do bring the ever talented M.I.A. on the show. I might add, that the above comments degrading the true talents and humanitarian efforts that M.I.A. has been a part of should be discarded as they are clearly biased. The comments against M.I.A. and the LTTE are heavily biased in the efforts to bring a bad name to the two. As a sinhalese girl, living abroad in a foreign country with the protections that my current country of residence affords me, i can only imagine what my Sinhalese government and the Sinhalese military put my fellow Tamils through. I live a rather cushy life abroad, away from the mass genocide that is perpetuated by my very own Sinhala government onto the innocent Tamils living there. I can only say that if you, Dear Oprah, believe in true freedom of the press and the integrity of journalism and the quest for truth/justice, having M.I.A on your show can only shed some real humanitarian light on the crisis taking place back home. I am not suggesting that you even touch on these issues, but should the issue come up, i hope that you will address it in a proper and meaningful way so as to give a voice to those back home who have been robbed of their voices so brutally by the sri lankan military. This struggle to gain truth should be focused on the genocide of Tamils, if anything not the accusations linked to both sides. Though i am Sinhalese by default, i have never been so ashamed to call myself that. I have renounced my nationality as a Sri Lankan because i do not agree with what the Sri Lankan government and the extremist sinhalese people are doing. IN SOLIDARITY!!!

  10. In addition to the above posts, i deeply criticize this biased article that Vajeera Warnakulasuriya has written. To call this an article is ridiculing any sense of journalism that exists. I, myself am a journalism student and I find it ludicrous that there is no freedom of the press in Sri Lanka and that’s thanks to the ever-contradictory goverment of Sri Lanka which allows no press to enter into the country and its war zones because if it does, then the government’s true side will be shown—the side that kills innocent Tamils and innocent albeit courageous sinhala journalists like Mr. Lasantha Wickremetunge. Mr. Wickremetunge (may his soul rest in peace) was a courageous journalist bent on exposing the true inhumane side of the Sri Lankan government, and in his quest to do so, the government sent out its own military to conveniently silence him forever by murdering him cold blood. This is the Sri Lankan government we’re talking about. RIDICULOUS!!!
    Also, i honestly dont find any point in rebutting any of the comments that have been written favouring the SLA, the SL government or the comments against the LTTE or the Tamils. Though, my very own Sinhala people seem to be perpetuating hatred for those of Tamil heritage, I stand on the Tamils side. I truly feel only pity for those who are ridiculing the Tamil struggle and perpetuate hatred for the innocent tamils who are being wiped out by the Sri Lankan forces. I feel pity for them, not anger or hatred, because of their ignorance, hearlessness and cruelty. IN SOLIDARITY!!

  11. MIA is using the situation to get publicity, I never knew they existed before this. That is CHEAP !!! As with any terrorist group LTTE has its own sympathizers. It just happened that Al-kida doesn’t have any singers like MIA to rap about them. How come LTTE has never been able to win any seats from any predominantly Tamil regions while there are other political parties who is peaceful and following democracy to address people’s issues in SriLanka. What I have noticed is that during all these years, the politicians who did not fight LTTE either got bomb blasted (President Premadasa, Prime minister Rajiv Ghandi) or lost and eye(President Chandrika Kumarathunga). So I advice MIA to “Rap” about that… MIA

    Just because SriLanka is a developing nation, most other countries want us to find a political solution with suicide bombing terrorists. So that they can profit from selling weapons, and give aid with string attached, where people(Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslims and others) are eventually paying for this. Jaffna and Eastern areas are much worse off without the rest of SriLanka, much of the GDP is produced in other provinces, while money is spent on all regions. Who’s going to pay for the free services that these people are getting like free schooling, healthcare, and other aid provided especially for women? Maybe the money that LTTE collected by terrorizing the British and Canadian SriLankans.

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