How the global wire services slander honest politicians using our own media

The 26 March edition of ‘The Island’ newspaper of Sri Lanka has, presumably inadvertantly, published a classic, slanderous attack by the global wire service Associated Press (AP) on a developing country politician whom they have found ‘uncooperative’ of their agenda.

Disguised as a ‘news report’ the attack based on lies, misinformation and opinions targets the Indonesian health minister Siti (Ms) Fadillah Supari who wants to review vaccination programs against meningitis, mumps and other diseases because she fears foreign drug companies are using the country as a testing ground.

The AP attack starts with a description of the minister as ‘controversial’ (an euphemism in the West to mean, not complying with their agenda on the country). It is also suggested that she ‘first drew widespread attention’ by boycotting the World Health Organization’s 50-year-old virus sharing system in 2007.

The minister has not done anything ‘controversial’ or wrong: she has merely done her duty for the citizens of her country whom she represents, by demanding “scientific proof” that the so-called vaccinations against illnesses like pneumonia, chicken pox, the flu, rubella and typhoid are “beneficial” as publicised by the drug companies, non-NGOs and the WHO. Her position that “We don’t want our country to be a testing place for drugs, as has been the case in Africa” is also perfectly justifiable. The AP reporter ‘s inability to understand her unequivocal position that if safety cannot be demonstrated, these ‘programs’ “have to be stopped” is his problem!

Then the dishonest AP conspirator goes on to sprinkle his ‘news report’ wth a generous dose of helpful sounding opinion: ‘Her statement comes at a time when Indonesia is struggling to contain outbreaks of preventable childhood illnesses. Without providing any reliable sources, the report says that “The number of cases of measles, tuberculosis and other diseases has “skyrocketed”. Polio briefly re-emerged after a decade-long absence in 2005″.

We are supposed to believe these lies designed to convert public opinion, just like the numbers of the dead IDPs presented to the world by other long-noses wearing the UN jackets like Neil Buehn of the Canadian chapter and Gordon Weiss and Paul Castellano of the Australian chapter!

As with all literature produced by the conspirators, the slanderous attack ends with the erudite staetment that “Indonesia’s health minister is no stranger to controversy – or conspiracy theories”. Ridiculing attention to them is a tactic they have found useful!

The two important issues here are the total impunity and sisrespect with which these meddlars treat any public official in a developing country who ‘dares’ to question their brainwashing attempts, and more importantly, the ready availability of news outlets in developing countries who unwittingly serve as their instruments of propaganda by purchasing and publishing these ‘reports’ without analysis or editing.

There has been enough information and experience in Sri Lanka over the last thirty years as to how tis international mafia armed and nourished the Tigers while buying time with the government by pushing ‘peace negotiations’ and by releasing false information on the Sri Lankan situation to distort its public image in the world. The common people of Sri Lnka appear to have learnt to suspect the true intentions of the long-nosed pail faces who zoom around Colombo in their flashy four-wheel drives with fancy organisational names (like Frederick Ebert Stiftung!!!) and logos, and renting all good residential properties around Colombo.

The media organisations somehow appear to be overlooking the need to carefully read and analyse the tone of wire service dispatches designed to change opinion to suit their designs. Many reports on China, an important friend of Sri Lanka are clearly designed to destabilise that country using Tibet and other Human Rights issues truphed up by a few corrupt souls in that country; President Chavez of Venezeula, a man reverred by his people who have been exploited by the remaining white Portuguese colonisers for many decades is painted blacker than the devil.

The Sri Lankan print media now needs to cease publishing the slanderous ‘reports’ of the Associated Press, AFP and Reuters who are nothing but the frontline of the international conspiracy against the developing world.

Please read and edit these malicious ‘reports’ before putting to print.

Ajit Randeniya, Colombo

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