May 18th the Day of Freedom

May 18th 2009 was the day of FREEDOM to all citizens of SRI LANKA from Dondra to Point Pedro irrespective of race,color,religion or party politics. This was the day we raised our LION flag all over after thirty years of brutal war with the most ruthless barbaric killer Velupillai Prabakaran and his gang of murderers. I dont think anybody who loves his or her Motherland will forget that day except traitors to our nation. It was the day our true Sri Lankan war heros led by H.E.the President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his fearless brother Gotabaya brought freedom to the whole nation with pride and dignity with the help of our nations mighty war heros in the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. Our great nation was able to survived at last thanks to the President.Defence secretary,The three Armed Forces Army,Navy,AirForce, Police,Civil forces,clergy and the masses who prayed day and night to almighty to save our beautiful land from ruthless terrorism.

War heros who sacrificed their lives fighting day and night in the thick jungles and in difficult places in the war zone areas securing our borders and cities should be remembered in our daily prayers at home or in the temple,church,Mosque or in the kovil for saving our Motherland from evil for so long. One of the war heros who claimed that he single handedly won the war has become a traitor to our Motherland by falsely accusing his colleagues along with the Defence Secretary of war crimes. Those traitors should not be pardoned at anytime because they have done much harm to our country than the terrorists themselves who fought with us for thirty years. Being a Sinhalese and a former Commander this hero cum traitor destroyed the reputation of our Armed Forces by accusing,lying and giving false information to outside world through T.V.channels and International media outlets. When we were about to celebrate our victory march this week with participation of all our war heros some section of our population clamour for the release of this dirtiest,ungreatful traitor of our Motherland. We shouldnt even talk about this traitor on a day like this as this man has put our country and the Government in so much difficult position in front of the International community by accusing the war heros of war crimes. After getting all the accolades,benefits,praise from all around and a decent position and a place to live like a king this ungreatful shameless fool brought embarasment to the whole nation and to the current Government of Sri Lanka by opening his dirty mouth and telling lies about our war heros to the world to hear. The people of our great nation was shocked to hear his lies but his friends in the International community was dancing with joy when they heard because they were waiting like vultures to find something like this to harass the Government of our great President Mahinda Rajapaksa. These white dogs dosent like the village boy with a sarong much because of his straight forwardness and eliminating the most feared terrorist organization in the world who was their friend.

We fought this war for thirty long years of our lives. Many of our Fathers,Mothers,Sons and Daughters sacrificed their innocent lives due to this unforgetable era in our times. A murderer who killed an innocent Tamil with his pistol thirty years ago became the most feared murderer of all time in our history and his name was VELUPILLAI PRABAKARAN from Velvetithurai. As a nation we failed to kill or catch this murderer and bring him to face justice because we didnt had a leader with will power,guts and backbone until 2005. Those leaders who ruled our country during that era should take responsibility for thousand of deaths in that darkest period. Although we didnt have a big Armed Forces with latest weaponery we had Sinhala lions in our forces with courage and determination. They were ready to move at any given time by the commandering chief to safegurd the nation and it’s peoples but due to weakness of our political leaders those past years our heros have to retreat in the face of the enemy at all times. Prabakaran was managed to organized from one man pistol gang to ten to twenty thousand hard core terrorists within few years and terrorize the whole nation and the world. He introduced sucide bombs to the world and killed thousands of our civillians including Presidents,party leaders,Monks,Children and also Rajiv Ghandi from Ghandi dynasty in India. Not only they killed innocent people but destroyed millions of worth property and our economy. They were able to take our land inch by inch and have their own Government with police, Air Force,Navy,Army same like another country and do things as they pleased because of our weak Sinhala Governments we had before 2005. When we were about to finish off the enemy the leaders of our land orders them to stop fighting and our war heros have to go back to their barracks with disgust and anger. When our heros were dying in the battle field our political leaders enjoy with the enemy in their palatial homes in the city or abroad. The Sinhala traitors who gave secret information to the enemies have been well looked after by them and was paid by in millions. Traitors and enemies alike enjoyed watching innocents get killed day by day by bombs and other means. We didnt had any hopes we all lived in fear of death until 2005.

In 2005 the people of Sri Lanka selected a true Sinhala son from Habantota as our new leader to run the nation. He promised that he will end the war before he leaves his office in six years time. He appointed his brother Gotabaya as his defence secretary who was with the Army for so long and had vast experience in warfare. He knew his tasks well and planned with his sabordinates to wipe out terrorism from our soil for ever. From President the Commandering chief to the lowest level in the Armed Forces worked as a team to eliminate the terror of Prabakaran and his organization. He invited the enemy to the table as a decent leader to discuss and to end the suffering of the people. When Prabakaran didnt take his invitation he asked his team of Ministers to arrange and have a discussion to solve all the problems they were facing with his inner circle of terrorists but unfortunately nothing happened except innocents got killed daily in my Motherland. Some powerful countries from the International community was involved in those discussions but there was no breakthrough in any of those gatherings. So the fighting was going on and then the lion of Hambantota decided to end the war by himself with the help of our war heros who was waiting in readyness to roar like lions and to destroy the enemy without mercy.
The real war of our gallant heros started from Mavil Maru and went unstoppable until they reach the shores of the Indian ocean near Mullaitivu lagoon.

When we heard the news of enemy getting cornered or killed or captured we thought the end was near and the people were very happy except the Sinhala and Tamil traitors who was under the payroll of L.T.T.E. organization. Our lion of Hambantota had to face so many enemies within and outside the country who were supporters of Prabakaran. they were trying their best to stop the war by threatning us with sanctions and other means but our Great President stood tall in front of the world without fear and with guts until he ends the war. Super Powers were involved and tried to stop the fighting and give Prabakaran time to escape but our war heros were there blocking all the escape routs to catch this monster who terrorized our tiny nation for so long.The fighting was so intense and deadly and our heros were unstoppable during this last stage of the war.They destroy the enemy and their weapons of mass destruction and at the same time rescued thousands of innocent Tamil civillians from the clutches of terrorists who were fighting for their survival in the front lines of the war. When the whole world was watching in suspense and fear the mighty Sinhala Armed Forces was destroying the enemy lines one by one and capturing the leaders of the terrorists organization with their family members. It was like an action movie and sometimes like a 20/20 final between Sri Lanka and India so tense and excitement all want to see the end of Prabakaran as well as the war of thirty long years. Citizens and the world was shocked,surprised and happy to see the end of Velupillai Prabakaran and his ruthless killers dead ending a three decades of war which killed thousands of our innocent citizens and our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation goes to all the heros of our nation and to the man who showed the path to FREEDOM. He and his brother Gotabaya gave all the assistance to our war heros to finish off the job and our Armed Forces took the challenge and finished within a very short period of four years. Now we enjoy the freedom as a peaceful country and we welcome all to come to our paradise island to enjoy the beauty and progress and share the joy of our citizens of all races. Today we remembered every single Sri Lankan who died in that war except the terrorists and pray for their souls and wish they will be born again in our midst as a father,Mother,brother or sister as we all loved them and care for them as they were all Sri Lankans.

We love our Motherland,We love our war heros and we love our President for bringing peace and harmony to the country we were born. Long live our war heros,Long live our Government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa,Long live our citizens of Mother Lanka. We pray in silence and pay tribute to those who sacrficed their lives fighting the enemy to save our beloved homeland.

Ranjit Wickremeratne

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