Channel 4 has failed to counter the challenge made on Doctored Photographs

With the prime motive of vilifying Sri Lanka and its people certain International Non-Governmental Organisations are carrying out a malicious campaign against Sri Lanka. The recent release of some photographs by organisation calling themselves they are humanitarian organisation was one such incident. The photographs released was doctored photographs similar to the ones released sometime ago by Channel 4 and up to now Channel 4 has failed to counter the challenge made by him with concrete evidence on their propaganda canard. This was stated by the Minister of Mass Media and Information Mr. Keheliya Rambukwella addressing a Media Conference at the Information Department this morning.

He said that when the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) requested three Non-Government Organisations who claim to be independent and representing humanitarian interests to give evidence, the three organisations issued press releases from three different places, at the same timing and with the same wordings rejecting the invitation. This itself shows that although they appear as different organisations, they are all hand-in-hand and acting with the same objective of bringing disrepute to the government and people of Sri Lanka for the very reason of dispelling the attempts made by them to halt the war and provide a respite to the terrorist leadership. Mr. Rambukwella said that these vicious Organisations only attempt unsuccessfully to implement hidden agendas on behalf of Sri Lanka’s enemies.

The Minister said that the final report of the LLRC will be released to the United Nations and other Organisations when it becomes ready. (niz).

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