Sri Lanka Navy celebrates construction of 100th Arrow speed boat

Sri Lanka Navy ceremonially launched its 100th Arrow speed boat constructed in its own boat building facility Welisara yesterday (September 11). Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was the chief to the occasion.

[ad#200×200]In the brief ceremony held at the base, Secretary of Defence, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, declared the 100th small boat constructed and commanded Navy personnel for accomplishing such a Herculean task with in 2 years. Also, he honored the key Navy personnel behind the project with commendation certificates.Sri Lankan Navy Arrow Boats

Speaking at the occasion, Defense Secretary said that he only witnessed the performance of indigenously built small speed boats in Mannar a year ago, but realized the excellent service that they have been doing for the country.

He observed that Navy’s small speed boat project has not only saved a vast amount of public funds spent on the war on terror but also enabled the navy personnel to externalize their tacit knowledge they have gained through 20 years of counter terror warfare. He said that the project has been able to develop a great weapon as well as a strategy that suit best for the Sri Lankan context.

“20 years ago, we could not come this far towards victory in our war against terror. Our present victories are made possible by the victories achieved by the committed people like those who are engaged in this project”, he said.

Speaking further he said, Navy has almost eliminated the threat of Sea Tigers by destroying 10 arms carrying ships at high seas. He said , for the first time in the history, the Navy now has the capability of destroying LTTE ships long before they reach Sri Lankan shores.

” We all must highly appreciate and honor the great role the navy has been playing in our effort to eliminate terrorism from the country”, he added.

Speaking at the occasion, Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda said that the day marked a special achievement of the Navy as the “Arrow” boat project could built its 100th boat.

” This would give the sailors more courage and to carry on this innovative project further” he added.

Defence Secretary also toured in the Navy Headquarters, Colombo Harbor and Navy camp Welisara to inspect harbor defence arrangements and other naval projects during the day.

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