An Australian Propaganda Session to Promote Suicide Terrorism

AN AUSTRALIAN PROPAGANDA SESSION TO PROMOTE SUICIDE TERRORISM AT THE MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY HAILED BY RADICALS: Australia’s radical weekly called “Green Left Weekly” that says it “exposes the lies and distortions of the power brokers and helps us to better understand the world around us“ and claims themselves to be dedicated to the truth refused to call the Black Tigers, of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam , suicide bombers.
[ad#200×200]They said in their weekly, “The Black Tigers are an elite part of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which is carrying out an armed struggle against the Sri Lankan military, fighting for independence for the Tamil regions of Sri Lanka known as Tamil Eelam.”

For them they are not terrorists. And that’s how much truth they are prepared to speak. They are no better than the Tamil Tigers with whom they are aligned .

In fact , they published this article to promote the Norwegian film ‘My Daughter the terrorist’ , which was screened at the University of Melbourne. The Norwegian film has been produced to support Tami suicide terrorism, a crime against humanity-an act of violence that randomly kills unarmed innocent civilians – to support the fascist administration of an unelected racist dictator who believes in recruiting children in war against their will and who believes in ethnic cleansing. In this most bias article written by an Australian radical called Trent Hawkins the newspaper does not discuss how some of these women suicide bombers are in fact recruited. One of the most famous victims of the suicide bombers has been India’s former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who thought he was helping the Tamil Tigers to resolve their “problems” Thousands of bystanders who have nothing to do with war have been killed by the LTTE walking bombs , whom this Australian radical weekly calls elite fighters.

At the screening of the terrorist promotion film a woman called Mano Navaratnam, one who loves to give other names for the most insensate terrorism has said “the longstanding military offensive and oppression by the Sri Lankan government towards the Tamil people disproportionately affected women.” The people in Sri Lanka, both the Tamils and the Sinhalese know that it was the terrorism that brought oppression on the people of the East and the North.

The radical newspaper said , that Navaratnam came from from the TEWO (Tamil Eelam Women’s Organization)and associate professor Damien Kingsbury, a senior lecturer in the school of International and Political Studies at Deakin University joined her in this propaganda session. In fact Mano represented a front organization of the LTTE-who are interested in nothing more than propaganda.

According to Navaratnam it was the oppression of the government which turned them into suicide bombers. Unfortunately there had been no bod y to tell the curious Australians that some of these suicide women were kidnapped as children without the consent of their parents from homes, temple festivals and schools and then brainwashed to be suicide bombers. There was also nobody to tell the audience that the perpetrators of these great crimes also sold the suicide technology for the Middle Eastern terrorists too. The technology is killing scores of people across Asia-from Indonesia to Iraq , from India to Afganistan widely distributed by Al Queda today.

By Walter Jayawardhana

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