Archbishop (Emeritus) Desmond Tutu, Your comment on Sri Lanka

To: Archbishop (Emeritus) Desmond Tutu, c/o Desmond Tutu Peace Trust, P.O.Box 8428, Roggebaal 8012, Cape Town, South Africa

Dear Archbishop Desmond Tutu:

There is little doubt that your name resonates strongly among people around the world, and is revered as a “moral voice” to end poverty and human right abuses. However, that does not entitle you to act God and have the moral right to pass judgment on the democratic Government of Sri Lanka and its peoples.

What was disturbing was to read your statement regarding that Sri Lanka was not fit to be in UN Human Rights Council, thus having a South African under the cloak of respectability as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, single handedly charting the destiny of a country that has been wracked by Tamil Tiger terrorism for the past 25 years. I smell a rat here.

You said, “With a terrible record of torture and disappearance, Sri Lanka doesn’t deserve a seat on the UN human right council.” My question to you Archbishop Tutu is, who do you think you are to chart the destiny of that island nation, and penalize the pride of its 21 million peoples who are going through the same growing pains to quell terrorism without a helping hand from another foreign nation, as the Afghanis who are enjoying that luxury of been helped to destroy the Taliban terrorists by NATO forces? Not that the Talibans invented and pioneered the human suicide body pack, which the Tamil Tigers have claimed with invective pride; not that the Talibans have been designated as the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world upping even the Al-Qaeda, but the Tamil Tigers have been given that honour by the international world and world organizations; not that the Talibans have recorded the highest number of suicide bombings upping even the Al-Qaeda which the Tamil Tigers are running away with that trophy from all other terrorist outfits in the world. Yet, Afghanistan has been adopted as the orphan that needs help to wipe out terrorism, but not Sri Lanka which has been subjected to abuse by people like you and given a tongue lashing by you who claims to be a visionary for peace.

This is not right and you have shown that you are morally bankrupt taking that low road to a Tamil Eelam, a mono-ethnic, racist, Tamil separate state within Sri Lanka. Roll back to your younger days when you were involved in the anti-apartheid movement pulling along most of us Sri Lankans into the fray who couldn’t even claim that we had an allegiance to you and your people because we had a drop of South African blood in us, when torture, shooting, killings, and disappearances were part of that war menu. I, a Sri Lankan-Sinhalese, was part of that movement in England then in the 1960s. Present Sri Lanka is no different, but it is sad when it is happening to a community where 69 per cent are Buddhists who are brought up to abide by the tenet not to swipe and kill even a mosquito which is biting you and sucking your blood. What is going on is hard on the Sri Lankans whichever ethnic group they are from. So, I tell you Archbishop Tutu take a deep breath and just back off from Sri Lanka’s internal affairs if you lack the discipline to sieve the right from the wrong, and the truth from the lies on this issue that have been propagated by separatist Tamils all around the world.

I know that the Tamil terrorist lobby in South Africa is heavy and damning. And no doubt you may have Tamils in your Diocese and perhaps some even being your neighbours down the street. That doesn’t render them being honest when it comes to discussing the Tamil separatist issue as I have met one Tamil Anglican Canon in Canada, whom I admonished publicly as a God damn liar with every pore of his body oozing lies on the reasons for the Tamil separatist war, and breathing out venom like a dragon to scorch the Sinhalese community.

You boast that you are a new generation of visionary peace builders. If you are one, then I would equate the present President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, also as a dedicated humanitarian visionary of peace. Here lies the reason which the western nations have difficulty to acknowledge.

When the Tamil Tiger terrorists cut off the drinking water supply to 30,000 Sinhalese peasants and farmers by shutting the anicut at Mavil Aru in July 2006, Mahinda Rajapaksa saved them from sure death from water-starvation by going after the Tamil Tigers, which began Eelam War IV and eventually kicked them out from the Eastern Province which they had been controlling for 14 years with jackboots, land mines and Kalashnikovs. This event was a supreme moment of preservation of Human Rights in Sri Lanka. Was this humanitarian gesture acknowledged by the western nations, the UN and Archbishop Desmond Tutu? Of course, not, as they had their own agenda to assault the Sri Lankan Government as human rights violators, and this event was a spoke in the wheel of their vile agenda to destroy Sri Lanka. Not good, my dear Archbishop, not good at all!

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is a visionary of peace, I said. Sure he is, for the very reason to have liberated the people; especially the Tamils from the Eastern Province and within eight months had local government elections democratically. And this month they had Provincial Government elections after 20 long years with a 65% turn out.

And who do you think was sworn in as the Chief Minister for the Eastern Province? A man named Pillayan, a former Tamil Tiger, who broke away from the Tamil Tigers in 2004, and who was accused by the UN for recruiting child soldiers. And what has not been acknowledged by these UN accusers is that his group that took up party politics to help their people with the ballot rather than the bullet released 1,800 of these child soldiers within months of the split. They had realized that chasing the mythical Eelam by warring was just a hopeless mirage, and so they gave up exploding claymore mines and shooting bullets and took up democratic party politics.

These incidents may be eating your heart out Archbishop, as it does not provide enough ammunition to go after President Mahinda Rajapakse who has cleverly massaged the breakaway Tamil Tiger terrorists to give up cradling Kalashnikovs and exploding claymore mines like celebratory firecrackers and killing hundreds of innocent civilians with impunity, and bringing about a new dawn to Sri Lanka’s eastern province. His work reclaiming land from the Tamil Tiger terrorists and installing democracy to his people in the eastern province, you seem to be blind as a non-event like all other Sri Lanka watchers as it does jar the international conspiracy against this beautiful God’s little acre of an island. It is an absolute shame and a sham.

Anymore nastiness towards Sri Lanka by you Archbishop Tutu will render you to be another international voice as being a humbug and an attacker of the Sri Lankan democracy. So I tell you in the name of your good Lord, back off from Sri Lanka, and get off the back of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the valiant members of the Government armed forces who are doing what they have to do, fighting a conventional Tamil terrorist army, navy and an air force with four propeller-driven planes, to regain the lost territory from a bunch of ruthless Tamil terrorists, assure the right to life for Sri Lanka’s citizens, and wipe out terrorism which every other country in the international consortium against terrorism is doing. Torture and disappearances, if they are true are part and parcel of this ugly war as is in any other ugly war, as such you have absolutely no place in Sri Lanka and her affairs, as Sri Lanka has a clear right to defend itself, including terrorists and irresponsible allegations by harsh critics like you.

If you have no bile left to praise the positive occurrences of liberating the land and people from the Tamil Tiger controlled areas in Sri Lanka, then all what I ask of you, Archbishop Desmond Tutu is, to keep your mouth shut which will help you not to tarnish the Order for Meritorious Service – Gold (OMSG), the highest honour that can be bestowed by the President of South Africa, which was presented to you by President Nelson Mandela.

Yours sincerely,

Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.)

May 17, 2008

2 thoughts on “Archbishop (Emeritus) Desmond Tutu, Your comment on Sri Lanka

  1. Hunted down and burnt alive for being a migrant in TUTU’s Backyard
    The man they called Mugza had come to Johannesburg in search of a job and dignity. Instead he was burnt alive in broad daylight last Sunday. His only crime: being a foreigner competing for low-paid work in a city swept by hate and xenophobia. Today Mugza lies in Johannesburg’s Germiston morgue, his hideously charred body unclaimed by friends or family. In 28 days he will be buried in a pauper’s grave.
    Full Story – Lankaweb

  2. Thousands flee South Africa attacks

    Some 6,000 people have fled a wave of attacks on foreigners in South Africa, which has left at least 22 dead, aid workers say.

    “This is a classic refugee situation,” Rachel Cohen from Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) told the BBC.
    Many of those who have sought refuge in police stations, churches and community halls are Zimbabweans, who have fled violence and poverty at home.

    Up to three million Zimbabweans are thought to be in South Africa.

    The BBC’s Caroline Hawley in Johannesburg says the immigrants have become a scapegoat for social problems, such as unemployment, crime and a lack of housing.
    BBC Full Story

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