Are the Sinhalese Buddhist Chauvinists any Conquerors?

Not by a long shot! In fact the present triumph over the most vicious racist terrorists in the modern times is nothing short of a victory for democracy, tolerance, a pluralistic society, freedom of expression and above all, unrestrained scot-free movement of its citizens in the Island. Translated into real terms this would mean that, each and every Sri Lankan, be he Tamil, Sinhalese Burger, Malay, Catholic, Hindu Muslim, Buddhist or what have you, would now be in position to reside in any part of the Island without being intimidated by a bunch of racists with an inferiority complex.

[ad#200×200] Indeed the army’s present exercise should have been executed at the initial stage of this insurgency. But then at that point of history, Lankan nation’s self determination was crippled by Quislings such as Ranil and satellite, who were merely hand maidens of the west.

With the eradication of racist ghetto enclaves, where specific racial types of a chosen people were corralled, Sri Lankan citizens’ were re-awarded their basic rights and franchise.

In order to grasp how shallow the nation’s foundations were pegged just a year before, let us hypothetically assess what would have been the consequences if the opposite had come into being. In other words, if the Sri Lankan Pol Pot had won his ghetto state and crowned himself king of Eelam, what impact would it have had on an average individual living in the Island? In that case, we can visualise the following chain of events taking shape.

Soon a new ruling cast would emerge in the infant state of Eelam. In it, the earlier Catholics of the Fishing caste would become the aristocracy. Fat Prabha and his pilot son Charles Anthony would be anointed as royalty. In this chuckoo state of Eelam, only unadulterated Jaffna Tamil’s belonging to Probha’s tribal caste will emerge as the chosen people. The Hindu Tamils will end up as slaves indentured to the state; just as earlier they were expendable as cannon fodder for the racial liberation of Eelam. Plantation workers of Indian origin would not be welcome in Eelam, and would slide down another notch to the ranks of a pariah cast.

Norwegian Foreign Office will rush to give the nascent state of Eelam Diplomatic recognition in order to prop it up internationally. This would be followed by the earlier European Colonial powers recognising Eelam, thus in keeping with its good old, ‘divide and rule’ policy. The new Eelam state would be heavily subsidised by the Norwegian foreign office in order to keep it from drowning.

The following immediate problems would present itself for the infant nation; water supply and electricity. As both commodities are controlled by the Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinists. So the fat assassin will have to intimidate the Sri Lankan Government. But by that time, Quislings such as Ranil and his Catholic cabinet would have been hounded into exile. For Sri Lankans by then would have realised that these leaders have worked for the nation’s destruction from within. As a worse scenario perhaps these Quislings with the help of white colonial powers and resources provided by them, may have survived the purge and survived as leaders of the mini state of Sri Lanka. This is not unlike what was affected in Serbia subsequent to the creation of Kosovo. And Sinhalese patriots in their frustration would eventually turn to militancy. Where it would finally end up, is anybody’s guess.

Simultaneously terrorism would have been initiated in Tamil Nadu. Indians would have started paying for their crimes against the once tolerant Sinhalese people. Racist nationalists in Tamil Nadu proper, in order to detach itself from India and join that great redeemer across the Palk Strait, would have started their agitation in earnest. Hence a total destabilisation of Tamil Nadu would be set in motion. In time terrorism in Tamil Nadu would evolve into a nightmare level and cripple the Indian state. In such a manner the Catholic Church’s dreams of destabilising India will be realised! In that sense it is safe to say, handing over Prabhakaran to India is as good as inflicting them with a plague, for LTTE supporter and opposes will tare India apart. If New Delhi is clever they will never push for extradition of the fat ‘Thambi’.

As far as the appeasers of Sri Lanka are concerned, they will soon realise that, terror actions in the remaining part of Sri Lanka had never ceased even after the creation of Eelam. For obese Prabha will continue to target any emerging patriotic leaders of Lanka, thus subjugating it through fear. For foreign powers need Quislings such as Ranil, to get their dirty work done. What better guarantee for Eelam than that!

Under the circumstances Lankans owns a huge debt to Sarath Fonseka, Gotabaya Rajapakse and Mahinda Rajapakse. Obviously I am not forgetting the soldiers who did the real fighting and dying. But just imagine what dire state we would be in, if that Quisling Ranil got the power with the help of the misguided minorities. Then every Tom Dick and Mary will be demanding a piece of the country!

However the job is not complete until the leadership of the terror organisation is taken out. But there is something more vital than elimination of the LTTE leadership. Sarath Fonseka must compile all intelligence of nations and individuals who helped finance terror in Sri Lanka. The present protest by the so called ‘concerned individuals’ and organisations to halt the Sri Lankan army’s clearing operations isnot their real concern. Indeed they own another covert aim. To get the LTTE leadership off the hook. In fact even if the LTTE leaders are killed then that would not be a problem. But their real concer is if the leaders are apprehended and captured alive, as all sorts of sensitive information will be extracted by the Sri Lankan Intelligence.

Hence as equally important as prosecuting the war as such, Sarath Fonseka should strive to elicit strategic information, i.e. who did what of the financing and what promises and assurances were given to the LTTE leadership by these west European supporters and the Tamil Catholic Diaspora. When he has that information in hand, Sri Lanka will have these do-gooders by their necks.

Curiously the Norwegian main Newspaper ‘Aftenposten’ has commented just a few days back, that “Thambi (Mr Prabhakaran)” is little popular in the international circles at the moment. Interpol has put out arrest warrant for him for; murder, terrorism, extortion and organised crime. In addition to that the rebel organisation of his, the LTTE is condemned by both USA and UN”.

Strange as it may sound, such globally infamous and decades old information are just being fed to the Norwegian public. More curious, this chronicle studiously avoids informing its public of the more vital fact; that on 11th November 2004, the Norwegian Foreign Minster Jan Petersen met this mass murderer in Toto and greeted the assassin of Rajive Gandhi as if he is a long lost brother in Killinochchi. Now I wonder why Aftenposten is so shy to give such blatantly obvious facts to its people?

Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse is now in a position to see the end of the tunnel. And he has found the strength to warn the ambassadors, news agencies and INGOs acting irresponsibly the ‘dire consequences’ if they attempt to give the LTTE terrorists a second breath of life. If that happens then they will be chased out,” he declared.

Indeed Rajapakse went on to warn specifically the German and Swiss ambassadors, who were destabilising the situation, that they may be ejected forthwith.

Well done Gotabaya! Now at last we know that Sri Lankan state can not be intimidated by European powers or India. You have got the terror supporters and the terrorists on the run. They will soon beat a path to your door step in order to placate you. For they go by a simple policy of “kissing the hand which they are unable to cut off”.

Today’s (02.02.09) Aftenposten headlines scream that “Sri Lankan Ambassador to Oslo, Esala Weerakoon, has been recalled by Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama prior to completing his two-year assignment there, informed Foreign Ministry sources disclosed yesterday.

It is learnt that among the complaints levelled against Esala, son of the former top civil servant Bradman Weerakoon, was that he was not receptive to organising a photo exhibition in Norway depicting atrocities committed by the LTTE…As a close advisor to the short-lived Ranil Wickremesinghe administration, Bradman Weerakoon too played a key role in trying to woo the LTTE to the peace process. He was particularly accused of expediting the handing of hi-tech radio communication equipment sent to the organisation by the Norwegians.”

Well, well if pigs can fly …

Every patriot knows that Bradman Weerakoon is an out and out traitor. So how did a son of a traitor end up as the Ambassador of Sri Lanka in one of the most sensitive spots, is a mystery. We hope the Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama will correct this situation post haste.
It is common knowledge that all sorts of Quislings are still “running with the fox and hunting with the hound”. Sri Lankans should agitate to get their house cleared, or else the military victory is not worth the real estate liberated from the terrorists.

Soon the Hindu Tamils will be happy that the Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinists are “Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinists” and nothing else.

Mahinda Weerasinghe
Author of Mission to Oslo

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