Australian Police Brutalize OWS Protesters

On Friday, violence erupted during the Occupy Melbourne protests when about 400 police evicted demonstrators who had been camping in the city square for nearly a week, reports ABC in Sydney.

“Victoria’s Police Minister was forced to defend the behavior of officers after demonstrators called for the state’s ombudsman to investigate 43 alleged cases of police violence on Friday, including eye-gouging, punching and the use of pepper spray on children.”

If winter and fickle media attention do not kill the OWS in the next couple months and protests manage to grow in size and scope, we may see the same brutal tactics used in the United States currently employed by Aussie cops.

In the recent past, cops in the U.S., Canada and Britain have reserved their most violent behavior for protests at gatherings of the globalists at the G20. If the OWS hones its demands and actually becomes something other than a media circus sideshow, the police may borrow tactics from Australia in an effort to blunt the protests and any meaningful change. – source:

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