Bruce Fein – A Carrion Bird of LTTE terrorism

Mr. Bruce Fein, a US citizen and an attorney at law has launched a misinformation and disinformation campaign against Sri Lanka’s defence authorities at the behest of LTTE terrorists. According to our sources, a US based LTTE front organization that operates under a typical misleading name used by such outfits – “Tamils for Justice” has hired Mr. Fein to carry out character assassination campaigns against Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Army Chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka. It is also reliably known that Mr. Fein is receiving 100,000 US dollars per month for his service from the funds collected by LTTE extortionists.

In a recent e-mail originated by this paid propagandist of terror, the Tamil Diaspora was asked to provide assistance to frame charges against the present Defence Secretary and the Army Chief for committing war crimes. The e-mail has introduced Sri Lanka as a country that commits genocide against Tamil civilians, where “every Tamil” is placed “outside the law with its Prevention of Terrorism Act and legalization of assassination squads authorised to shoot, kill and secretly bury murdered Tamils”.

As the institution responsible for National Defence, Public Security and Law and Order in Sri Lanka, the MoD vehemently denounces this abominable lie and considers it as an insult against the Sri Lankan citizens who have been living in harmony for over 2500 years of known history. This terror propagandist has clearly attempted to mislead those living in foreign countries on the realty of Sri Lanka for personal profit. On the other hand, it is a shame that a citizen of a country that is committed to eliminate terrorism from the world is being allowed to carry out propaganda work against another, but poor, country that struggles to free herself from the a grip of a brutal terrorist outfit. For the benefit of those not familiar about the situation of Sri Lanka states the following facts that are being deliberately concealed by terror propagandists like Mr. Fein. *

  • Sinhalese and Tamils have been living in harmony in this country for over 2500 years of well-documented history. There has been no evidence supporting the existence of a mono ethnic Tamil Eelam or a pure Sinhalese state in the history of Sri Lanka.. There had been times when invading South Indian rulers had their hold in the Northern parts of the country, but that was only for brief periods. The Sinhalese being the large majority, the kings had been from the Sinhalese but they always had chieftains or regional rulers from minority groups. Sri Lankan had been supportive of pluralism ages before westerners started to champion it. *
  • Sri Lankan Tamils represents 12% of the total population and over 50% of them live in the Southern parts of the island mingling with their Sinhalese and Muslim brethren. Over 60% of the total population of Sir Lanka’s capital consists of minority groups where the Mayor of the city is a Muslim and his deputy is a Tamil. If Tamils were being subjected to ethnic violence by the Sinhalese the big question that need an answer would be why they have abandoned the current mono-ethnic hellhole in the Wanni ruled by Mr. Feins’ paymaster. *
  • With regard to the defence establishments, there are many Tamils and Muslims working in them. Needless to say that the LTTE terrorists have killed hundreds of them. People who trust terror stooges like Mr. Fein may even be astonished to know that some of the high profile defence officials working under Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa himself are Tamils. *
  • Until very recently, Sri Lanka had a Tamil Foreign Minister and a Tamil Deputy Peace Secretary, both assassinated by the LTTE. Sri Lanka’s parliament has many Tamil and Muslim Members and Ministers who hold key portfolios. Moreover, unlike any other country facing a terrorist threat, Sri Lanka has political parties, NGOs, and Media organizations that sympathise with LTTE terrorists but operate freely in society. It is not difficult to imagine the public reaction in the US if her opposition leader forces the government to have talks with Al-Queda or carries out anti American Campaigns to tarnish the good image of the country. But here in Sri Lanka anyone has the right to publicly praise the terror chief Prabhakaran whenever he commits a civilian massacre, without any fear of reprisal.

Present Defence secretary and the service commanders have been able to achieve unprecedented victories over terrorism by liberating an entire province of the Island which was previously under terror clutches. The people living in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka have not only been liberated but also given the opportunity exercise their democratic rights by choosing their own political representatives. Today, the elected Chief Minister of the province is former hardcore member of the LTTE and a person who had given up terrorism to democracy.

U.S. President George. W. Bush in a recent speech proclaimed that no nation should be forced to negotiate with terrorists as they have the right to defend themselves. More than anything else he correctly identified those terrorists who claim that they kill innocent civilians in the name of the god or whatever other higher goal as fanatics with a desire for power.

The LTTE is no exception to any other extremist terror group in the world, other than for its extremely wicked crimes committed against civilians. It is being led by a psychopathic school dropout who promotes nothing but extreme tribalism among Tamils. His brainwashed followers continue to introduce innovative terror tactics to the global terrorism in its struggle for an ethnically pure Tamil homeland. The LTTE in its bloody ethnic cleansing campaigns have killed tens and thousands of Sinhalese and Muslims in village massacres. Thousands more have been killed in suicide bombs, bus bombs, train bombs and etc. LTTE has killed hundreds of Buddhist and Muslim devotees at their places of worship. It uses children from 10 years of age as armed combatants. Hundreds of Tamil girls have perished as suicide bombers being exploited in hapless conditions, suffering due to gender discrimination.

Thus, it is the sacrosanct right of all Sri Lankan citizens to defend themselves against such a brutal terrorist outfit. The Ministry of Defence and the armed forces of this country are committed to this uphill task. Secretary Defence and the Army Chief are just the key role players in this justifiable mission. That is why the terrorists had targeted both of them in suicide bomb attacks. For one attack they used a pregnant woman and for the other they used a terrorist disguised as a Muslim, teaching two new tactics to global terror. Americans might not know that few months before the September 11 attack, the LTTE had attacked the Banadaranaike International Airport and caused heavy destruction. There was strong evidence that the plan of the terrorists had been to hijack two airplanes during the raid and to smash them on the twin towers of Sri Lanka ‘s own WTC. The lack o sjuccess in this is why Prabhakaran had considered this attack as a failed mission.

The helping hand provided by the U.S to Sri Lanka in her war on terror is highly commendable. The prevention by FBI sleuths of the 900 million dollar LTTE arms deal has certainly saved thousands of lives. It is a pity that people like Mr. Fein, being a citizen of such a country prostitutes his profession for a terrorist’ blood money. He must surely have the knowledge that he is being paid with the money extorted from the Tamil Diaspora and earned through various other illicit deals. requests all who have any serious considerations over the work of Mr. Fein to verify the sources of his information. None of the so called rights groups go into Wanni or even rarely do anything to improve the human rights situation in this country, save propagating false allegations against the government to extort more foreign funds. requests any interested party to visit Sri Lanka and see how the people of all ethnicities live in harmony in this country. Then only they would understand that there is no ethnic conflict in this country other than a war on terror which Sri Lankan citizens have the right to fight.


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