Conservative MP supports Tamil Tiger LTTE proscribed group front in Harrow and makes inaccurate statements regarding Sri Lanka – Dr. Rachel Joyce

Dr. Rachel Joyce,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Your lack of knowledge regarding the history of Sri Lanka from before British Colonial Rule, During and After has resulted in a serious misuse of your power as a Conservative MP and has demonstrated ignorance, double standards on terrorism, bias towards a greed for VOTES and DONATIONS from LTTE Tamil Tiger front operations that are rife in Harrow and many parts of Britain.

Sadly there is no honor and dignity left in politics – it is obvious that the disease of power, greed and corruption with deceit has now started rotting your Conservative party too.

YOUR RESPONSE IS A FEEBLE LOAD OF STANDARD WAFFLE. Have you ever spoken to or met the non pro LTTE active Tamils in the UK and the very poor people in Sri lanka who have been exposed to Tamil Tiger Terrorists extortion, threats, maiming by various means and murder. Have you ever seen the scene of a suicide bomb ( I have as have many others – in my instance at the hands of of the Tamil LTTE Terrorists ).I am talking about all citizens – innocent civilians as well as honorable politicians. The Tamil Tigers have eliminated most educated Tamil political figures and any Tamils who have opposed them in Sri lanka. Have you ever spoken to the two Tamil MPS is SRi lanka who the Tamil Tiger LTTE terrorists have tried to murder several times ? Douglas Devananda and Anadaserigee ? Do you know our great Tamil the best Foreign Minister Laxman Kadirgamar – he was murdered by the LTTE – who some of the Tamil Expats support because they benefit from the terrorism in Sri Lanka. The money they donate to you comes from money laundering, arms and drug dealings and the credit card fraud you may have heard of ! You glorify your political career with innocent Sri lankan peoples blood just like Tony Blair hoped to glorify himself with Iraqi peoples’ blood.

You MPs think you are in another stratosphere doing as you please and thriving on power and greed through corruption. The people are all fed of this in Britain. Everyone from all races, religions and countries and mostly the true bRitish people. WE thought it was just the Labour Party but now we see CONSERVATIVE VERSIONS of KEITH VAZ EMERGING ! What are we to do ? We were looking forward to voting for the Conservatives. We are now wondering WHAT SHOULD WE DO ?

I am disillusioned with Britain. I was so proud to become a BRitish Citizen. I have met the Queen twice through being personal friends with a certain influential Lord. I admire the Queen because she signifies what I thought was everything honorable, honest and fair – British.

After seeing you MPs open your mouth and spurge out utter …………… I am losing respect for this country. There is no longer any decent Britishness not in politics. Just a Britishmess that you certainly portray.

You need to retract your false statements which are inaccurate in every historical and factual way. You need to apologise to the Sri lankan Sovereign nation and her people. You should resign as an MP but you never will because you are blind with power and greed and the adoration that the Tamil Terrorist Front organisations will give you feeding you their lies and donations and VOTES.

You dont need to wonder how to tackle home grown terrorism – it is you British MPs and the Government and now the Conservative MPs who will start nurturing it just like you nurture Tamil Tiger terrorism.

Yours in Devastation and Disappointment at British Politicians on the Whole with Complete Loss of any Trust or Faith.

Dr. Renuka MISS/MS Sharon Ranasinghe general practitioner and dermatologist

One thought on “Conservative MP supports Tamil Tiger LTTE proscribed group front in Harrow and makes inaccurate statements regarding Sri Lanka – Dr. Rachel Joyce

  1. Thank you for writing this it expresses what many of us felt and feel about the speech and the way the British politics supporting a terrorist organization.
    They should take some responsibility for the killings of all the innocent civilians because they supported this terror group for many years to grow collect money and carry out their operations from here. We should get together to act against these false allegations. How come a country fighting against terrorism is supporting the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world?

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