Finally the masks are off

We have a saying in Sri Lanka that “ However much actors try to wear masks in secrecy behind the screen, finally they have to come out and play the drama on stage”. A similar act is being enacted now on the international stage regarding the terrorist war in Sri Lanka.

The forces that nurtured and funded Tamil Tiger Terrorism are now on a desperate bid to save the Tiger leadership. It is no secret that it is the western powers together with the Christian Church who provided all the sustenance and wherewithal for the terrorist war that was unleashed in Sri Lanka over the last 30 years. For this EU led by Britain, Canada, Australia and to a lesser degree New Zealand should bear responsibility. It is they who harboured terrorists and funded them. Their ill-gotten monies were laundered and these finally ended up in Sri Lanka in the form of bombs and explosives. The armouries and warehouses full of bombs and explosives our heroic forces have now uncovered simply shows the ‘humanitarian’ side of these Christian countries. It is to cover up their shame that they are acting agitated. It is to cover up their shame that they tried to show the conflict in Sri Lanka as those between Sinhala Buddhists and Hindu Tamils and nothing could be further from the truth.

For 30 years they underestimated the capacity of the Sri Lankan state to eradicate the terrorist menace from Sri Lanka and they were happy that their designs and agenda for the region were in safe hands. Now that the LTTE terrorists are cornered in a tiny sliver of land along with their Mahavir families and other innocent civilians as human shields, these powers are now running scared that their identities as benefactors of these terrorists will be revealed; just in the same way Norway got exposed by Karuna Amman.

This is the reason that US, Britain, France, Germany, Austria and the Scandinavians among others are in a panic to find a reprieve for the terrorist leader Prabhakaran. They know that there is a likelihood that terrorist leaders will be captured alive and that they will sing like larks; the same as Daya Master and George Master.

It is these powers, their media and the Tamil diaspora who invented the myth of the invincible reclusive master strategist freedom fighter with the cyanide capsule around his neck – ever ready to die for his cause. He was given the full credit for his conduct of the terrorist enterprise. Though proscribed as a terrorist organization the sprawling LTTE Empire actually run by the diaspora Tamils under the patronage of the Western Powers had safe harbour and freedom to do what they pleased in these countries. Their criminal activities were overlooked for political expediency. Their extortion, drug and gun running, people smuggling and money laundering were overlooked. Anton Balasingham responsible for murder of 600 policemen and Adele Balasingham responsible for the recruitment and training of child soldiers were treated like royalty. Adele Balasingham still lives in the UK a free bird.

During the last 30 years the terrorist war was masterminded by these very same powers. They provided the funding, the arms, the training and propaganda. They also provided the war strategies – when where how and with what to fight. All this is now unravelling in the Wanni war theatre. All the technology for the terrorist war effort came from the Western Powers or their cat’s paws. The Christian Church provided the glue that bound all these powers together and motivated them to keep to the agenda. In the last few months the heads of this hydra headed monster surfaced in Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina and from East Timor; each with a way to extricate the monster and his top lieutenants. Thanks to China, Russia and Japan they were not able to have their way.

They had to make Prabhakaran “reclusive” and “elusive” because on the field and on the negotiating tables he did not cut a smart figure and was a clear liability. The further he was away from action, it was easier for them to enlarge his myth. According to Karuna Amman he never led his ‘troops’ from the front. His main contribution so far has been his cruelty and his ability to instil the fear of death on those around him. His major achievement was the creation of the suicide bomber – the suicide jacket designed by his masters in the west. Over the years he came to believe in his own invincibility and also cultivated the “Sun God – Surya Dewa” myth as an extension of his megalomania. He is not the type who would swallow a cyanide capsule he so freely distributed to his innocent victims and suicide cadres. He is now awaiting a reprieve from the International Community – another term for Western Christian Powers. He will not even try to escape as he is now too scared for his life. He will most probably try to escape dressed as an old Tamil woman. On an earlier occasion many years ago he escaped dressed as one of his benefactors – a Catholic priest!

It is thanks to Prabhakaran that Sri Lanka is still intact as one political and geographical entity. If not for Prabhakaran’s obstinacy and refusal to accept anything other than Ealam or is it Eezham , the past leaders of Sri Lanka – some out of fear, some out of helplessness and others out of shear hatred for the majority Sinhalese and mainly Buddhists would have dismembered Sri Lanka long ago. Among these CBK the modern Dona Katharina wanted to give ISGA, P-Toms and the North and East to Prabhakaran to govern for 10 years without elections. Ranil W the Don Juan wanted give asymmetric devolution and a permanent ceasefire. Prabhakaran wanted to get Ealam outright and we still have our motherland intact. For this we must thank him. For the last so many years I always wished him Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns of the day on each of his birthdays. Now that he has outlived his usefulness and we have the correct leadership at the helm in Sri Lanka it time to say farewell and bid him Rest in Peace or in Pieces. in a shit pond somewhere in Vanni.

Many patriotic Sri Lankans feel that Western Powers are practicing double standards in how they treat terrorism in Sri Lanka. What they are doing is just implementing their collective policy towards South Asia. It is their long term policy to balkanize South Asia and this policy will remain unchanged however much we cry foul. These countries need conflicts around the globe to sell their merchandise and to keep them poor, subjugated and ready for exploitation. Two clear weapons they brandish against the unwary are – human rights and democracy. Their much tooted freedom of expression is a euphemism for downright slander!
They have made a clear distinction between Islamic terrorism and their own Christian terrorism. All Christian terrorist movement around the world are freedom movements and the terrorists are called rebels. This is despite the fact they too target innocent civilians and the society at large to achieve their unholy objectives. Division of Sri Lanka was the first step in balkanizing India.
It is up to us Sri Lankans to be vigilant in the months and years ahead as to how this policy will metamorphose to. Already the International Community in the guise of NGOs, Church Organizations are clamouring to enter the IDP centres. Just like after the tsunami these NGO vultures will be the next disaster to strike Sri Lanka if we are not vigilant enough. We sincerely hope that the A-team that lead the war against the murderous LTTE will have them too on their radar. What the Weerodara Ranaviruwo won can be lost in a whimper if the politicians take over and give into the Colombo Clans, Christian Church and the International Community. Their masks are off; they are seen but they can return wearing different masks to enact an altogether different drama!

Elam as claimed in 1980
Elam as claimed in 1980
Elam as claimed in 1998
Elam as claimed in 1998

Who knows what it would have been if the Western Christian Powers agenda worked? A hundred Mavil Arus and a non ending war! Thanks to the enlightened leadership of President Mahinda Rajapakse, and his A-Team we are nearly out of the woods. We have won the Ealam battle. If we don’t consolidate the victory it will not take long to nullify the gains. The wolves of the International Community – the Western Christian powers are only licking their wounds and biding their time! Eternal vigilance is the price of our hard earned victory over terrorism!

Anywhere in the world true and patriotic leaders and statesmen are a difficult to find commodity. Once found they must be retained despite ‘bogus human rights’ and ‘democracy’. Safeguarding of the hard won victories has no alternative.

May the Triple Gems Bless our Motherland – Sri Lanka!

15 May 2009

12 thoughts on “Finally the masks are off

  1. Dear Sir ,

    ” western powers together with the Christian Church who provided all the sustenance and wherewithal for the terrorist war ”

    Re the above statement , please be kind enough to provide me information as to how you base the allegation ” together with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH ” .

    Can you provide proof of this or is it an opinion by your Mr. Ratnpala ?

  2. Nr Ratanapala

    You are a most disgraceful writer. In fact you are in insidious activist still out to create mayhem in your motherland. Who let you out? Did you ask permission from the institution before you left the facility? Stop such incitements. Shame on the mindless editor for letting you write holocaust inciting material. Such filth has no place in today’s world where the majority want peace and happiness. Please have yourself committed quickly back at the institution, where you really belong. And ah yes, once locked up, ask them to throw away the keys please!.

    A G

  3. So Sri Lankan Tamils are incapable of organizing a terror campaign, and need the help of “the West”? What sort of colonialist twaddle is this?

    And the Western powers invented the suicide vests used by the LTTE suicide-murderers? Is Ratanapala crazy? Suicide bombing has been around for a long time, and has been perfected with no help at all from the West. Does Ratnapala think the West also trained the Iraqui, Afghan and Pakistani suicide bombers? Does he blame the Christian Church for the Japanese Kamikaze suicide pilots? Wasn’t that a different religion entirely?

    Come to think of it, where does this hostility to Christianity come from? Why does he say that the Christian Church (which Christian church, by the way?) and the West “provided all the sustenance and wherewithal for the terrorist war” — and then completely fail to supply any actual evidence. The best he can manage is a weak claim that they “provided the glue”.

    And what is Ratnapala’s hate-filled rhetoric providing the glue for? Is he trying to whip up the sort of ethnic and religious conflict that has plagued Sri Lanka in the past?

  4. And this idiot of a writer Ratanapala claims in his article as follows:

    “Thanks to China, Russia and Japan they were not able to have their way.”

    What a dumb ass! Don’t these countries want a big piece of Sri Lanak business….there is a big pie waiting to be carved out. And China for eg. really? Such an innocent man, this ratanapala is…..after Crushing Tigers, can he think about Hidden Dragons? China, the usurper of Tibet! China, famous for human rights issues at Tiananmen Square! And more…but who cares!

    Go online and check what another media (News Comment by “Today”) says:

    Quote: only the salient China related text
    “The pitiless success of Sri Lanka’s military offensive delivers one salutory lesson: If you have China as an ally, you can afford to ignore pressure from anywhere else.
    President M. Rajapaksa’s govt has won China’s financial, military and diplomatic support – along with the confidence to brush off Western protests about its behaviour.
    etc etc
    As well as invaluable diplomatic cover, China gave Sri Lanka about 660 Million English pounds ($1.5 billion) of aid last year (2008). The country’s air force also benefited from a gift of six of Beijing’s F-7 jet fighters, while the army received 25 million English pounds of Chinese ammunition and ordnance in 2007.
    What has Sri Lanka given in return? The answer is that China has acquired a strategic ally near the crucial Indian Ocean shipping lanes which carry energy supplies from the Midle East. Beijing is now building a port oon Sri Lanka’s southern coast which could serve as a future naval base….
    et etc”
    So China has vested interests and so do the other countries mentioned! Somebody sure has no breadth of vision nor intelligence and wrote this article – throw in the stupid editor for sanctioning and collaborating with this incitement filled article also. There must be some law to lock such people up.

    The world knows and understands……but despots continue to destroy my beautiful Sri Lanka! You don’t need Tigers for that! You need ass holes like Ratanapala! And his editor!

  5. What else can be said, save that there are always people who are mentally diseased, otherwise wld this dear “Ranjit” make such comments about the new “writer terrorists” in our midst as well as be blinded to proven global facts. It is sad that sick minds do have to exist…….the killers of John Lennon and Martin Luther King were such after all. The killers of Presidents, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were similarly sick too, and so are the killers of any human beings be they black or while, young or old, man or woman or of any religion. What a sad mother she must be to have defecated such defects from her diseased womb – defective mnds that praise demented writers like Ratanapala?

    And defects like them can even interpret sheer disgust of peace lovers as anger and even bathe in their own ill formed impressions of anger. Twisted minds are all the same – birds of feather after all…….and every society has them.

  6. Terrorism is intolerable wherever it may occur and is abhorrent to civilized people.
    All humans (the 5th Ape) descended from the one mother in Africa. So, we are all cross-bred products. It also means that we are all very distant relatives of one another. Depending on the proximity to the equator, pursued sexual partner and continental drift, their appearance changed or evolved to survive. Therefore the multitude of skin-pallor and appearance of present day Homo-sapiens. This creates a stronger gene-pool.
    Religion was man-made irrespective of which, to create society (probably due to lawlessness, greed, bullying, rape etc in that era) which we believe separates us from animals. All wars are caused through human greed or religion. If we can be honest with ourselves, then we know that every human subconsciously or overtly believe that they are superior to other humans, be they of immediate vicinity or from a geographically different origin. Hence the need to denigrate others albeit for their religious beliefs, there ethnic background or socio-economic standing.
    From the earliest time humans worshipped anything that they couldn’t comprehend. All religions created a mythical “Heaven” and “Hell” initially as a deterrent to wrongdoing thereby paving the path to an organized and peaceful ‘civilized’ existence. Some enterprising individuals saw it as a good way of making a living whilst continuing to create good society and promote altruism. Hence the existence of Kovils, Churches, Temples and Mosques and their respective Swamis, Priests, Monks and Imams.
    In the last century, man has developed in leaps and bounds along with mental skills. Super factories, vehicles, commercial flights, submarines, supertankers, high-rise buildings, massive bridges and under-sea tunnels that connect land masses and even visited other heavenly bodies in the solar-system to mention but a few of human achievements.
    However mentally, when it comes to a point of crisis humans turn to divine powers in the hope of salvation. The reasons behind this are complex but basically they want to be forgiven or saved from their multitude of “sins”. The “sins” are committed due to “greed” or religious beliefs. The latter in particular is “brain-washed” into our thoughts through consistent, systematic education (Sunday school etc) of whichever religion one’s parents believed in from early childhood. This becomes a thought process that is second nature working in both, at a conscious and sub-conscious level in one’s mind.
    Although this is essentially how civilization works, surely the thinking man can work out that there is no God guiding, rewarding or punishing them. It is entirely up to each and every individual to be thoughtful of his environment and its’ sustenance requirements (hence “do unto others as …”) if we are to maintain an organized society. If there was a God how can he create such social reprobates as terrorists, murderers, rapists etc. etc.? If God is so great why do some individuals behead their captives in his name? I do not for a moment believe that this could be explained away by a simplistic “God moves in mysterious ways”. If we have good fortune to thank God, we should also hold this same God responsible for all the bad fortune as well.
    Unfortunately there are very few thinking people in this world. So the need for divine intervention continues to be part of human life along with the multitude of religious beliefs and the friction it causes, all in the name of creating a ‘civilized society’. Therein lies the conundrum.
    Now for my point: The sooner the humans begin using their intellect and stop believing in the intangible religious myth, the sooner the world becomes peaceful. For after all, we are no better than the yeast inside a new bottle of grape-juice before it becomes champagne. Put simply we continue on our merry way without a thought for others whilst using the world’s natural resources until we ultimately annihilate the very environment that gives us sustenance(the yeast continue to use the limited oxygen in the bottle to convert sugars into alcohol giving off carbon dioxide as a by-product which ultimately kills the yeast).
    As for the above writer, Angelo Gabriel ,you need to keep a civil tongue when addressing the international public in an international forum!


    My comment:
    China – The Government’s Strange Choice of Bedfellow
    Or is it simply prostitution at work – I.e. You (China) Can Pay Big Bucks
    OK, I Drop My Pants (Our Govt) and Bend Over For You…Just F*** Me

    China – A government that failed at Tiananmen Square
    and elswhere too…….elsewhere on many issues…but what matters is,
    China still with the middle kingdom overload, over rule, dictator mentality.
    This is the country to choose as a bedfellow!
    Birds of a feather situation again then!
    Speaks umpteen immeasurable miles about the bedlam in our country!
    Good govt gets you good progress, more good people, good peace and positive pride.
    Bad govt (and rebels) gets you disasters, more bad people, loss of peace and false pride!
    Its that basic.

    The Yahoo article follows here:

    TITLE: Wang Dan on Tiananmen in 1989: I’m proud

    AFP – Monday, June 1 BEIJING (AFP) – –
    Wang Dan, who once topped the Chinese government’s most wanted list of leaders of the 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement, remains fiercely proud of his role, despite years in jail and exile.

    “We lost a lot but we gained a lot too… I’m proud every time I think about it,” Wang told AFP in an interview from Taiwan.

    Twenty years on he has no regrets over the tumultuous period that transformed him from a college student to a counter-revolutionary.

    Along with other student leaders like Chai Ling and Wu’er Kaixi, Wang led six weeks of peaceful protests from makeshift tents on Tiananmen Square, turning the movement into the biggest threat ever to Communist Party rule.

    “We did not make sufficient preparation at the time,” Wang said of his eventual capture and nearly seven years of imprisonment.

    In 1998 he was expelled to the United States following an international campaign for his release.

    He graduated with a doctorate in history from Harvard University in 2008 and currently is a senior associate member of Oxford University where he continues his fight to bring democracy to China.

    A photo of Wang in Tiananmen Square epitomises youth in revolt. Microphone in hand, long floppy hair brushed away from big, round glasses, Wang thoughtfully harangues the crowd with a tense look on his face.

    At the time he was 20 years old.

    “We are going to take back the powers of democracy and freedom from the hands of that gang of old men who have grabbed those powers away from us,” Wang said in his first speech at the end of April 1989.

    “What was the most memorable for me was the demonstration on April 27,” Wang told AFP in an interview conducted 20 years later.

    “There were banners everywhere. This was the first unauthorised political demonstration in the People’s Republic of China… the Chinese people had begun to speak with their own voice.”

    An editorial in the People’s Daily a day earlier triggered the protest after it called the initial days of unrest “a well planned plot… to throw the country into turmoil” and “reject the Communist Party and the socialist system”.

    Defying police orders, over 50,000 Beijing students walked from the university district to Tiananmen Square in an orderly and peaceful march that elicited wide support from the local population.

    There was a sense of euphoria, as students felt victory could be within reach.

    “There were indeed many differences in opinion among students, but obviously that was not the cause for the massacre,” Wang said.

    “It was the differences in opinion among the Chinese Communist Party leadership. As long as the government insisted on suppression, it would not have mattered what strategy or tactics the students adopted, the result would be the same.”

    Wang said that China’s leaders today “are a lot more conservative,” than leaders in 1989 like Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, the two top party leaders who were ousted in 1987 and 1989 respectively for being too soft on student protests.

    “Today’s leaders no longer have any will to change the way the Chinese Communist Party governs,” Wang said.

    “Of course we are facing more difficulties than in 1989,” he said. “Economic development has distracted people’s attention and the international environment has changed.”

    This has not prevented Wang from maintaining contact with many of the veterans of the 1989 movement, including those in China.

    “The government has less and less control over the people, a civil society is emerging with the help of the Internet,” he said.

    This week, Wang hopes all China will “be covered in white” following calls by dissidents to dress in the traditional colour of mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the bloody crackdown that left hundreds, if not thousands dead.

    And what has he himself learned from the history-changing events 20 years ago?

    “I learned to be patient in waiting, being optimistic while facing the difficulties,” Wang said.

    “I am optimistic on returning to China. I think it will come soon”.

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  8. What an interesting essay Ranjit – and quite far, far, far from the lowly standard I saw in what I perceived to be blinded sheep mentality oriented and unthinking words “Well done Ratnapala, pure gold! Has it not angered those who are now exposed!!”

    It was a frustration to see such “thougtless” words praising some one I felt was a “terrorist writer” out to cause inflammation and further mayhem and at the same time misjudging what I am referring to.. But gosh that essay beginning with “Terrorism is intolerable wherever it may occur and is abhorrent to civilized people.” is well done and civilized. Found it hard to believe that the same person was writing this essay. But thank you for that esay. I liked it.

    Fresh out of the human disaster that was part of the crushing of the useless Tigers, it was maddening, infuriating and hopeless to find countrymen singing praise and pouring Gold for bad wriiters such Ratanapala for his piece of filthy work above. That is not an excuse nor an apology. But I agree with you about doing the best to have a civil tongue… is just that some people are too far gone into the crevice of bigotism and small mindedness to enable civility to bring them back from such a brink. And in the face of praise and pouring of Gold it beomes difficult to believe there can be hope for peace and progress.

    BUT your latest essay, Ranjit, dtd 3 June, is worth its weight in Gold.

  9. Ah ! Angelo,
    You are a rare gem. My apologies for getting carried away with nationalism. Trust me, I am not prejudiced against any race. My wife is a Malaysian Tamil. My daughter was born in England. My dog is a German Shepherd and my cat is a Turkish Van!

  10. Thanks Ranjit

    Am very glad to know that you have an universal character about you. That is wonderful.
    Am glad to get to know you here for sure…….
    Here’s to peace, progress and happiness for ALL people in the motherland……may that day be soon.


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