Foreign Special Forces Behind Tripoli Showdown

An intelligence-gathering outlet that has proven accurate in the past has reported today that far from being merely a rebel uprising, the showdown in Tripoli over the last 48 hours is being “spearheaded” by British, French, Jordanian and Qatari Special Operations forces.

Israeli open source intelligence gathering outfit DEBKAfile reports:

“This is the first time Western and Arab ground troops have fought on the same battlefield in any of the Arab revolts of the last nine months and the first time Arab soldiers have taken part in a NATO operation.”

As we reported yesterday, the operation, nicknamed “Mermaid Dawn”, is being directed by US and NATO forces. The rebels have received training and arms from special forces and are being directed by Western intelligence operatives on the ground in Libya.

NATO is now planning a “humanitarian” occupation of Libya with thousands of British and American soldiers, risking the possibility that troops could be sent into yet another quagmire to rival Afghanistan and Iraq. Read Full Article >>

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