Indian Clowns are at it again

Indian National Security Advisor, M.K. Narayan, Foreign Secretary Shivshankar and the Defense Secretary Vijay Singh visited Sri Lanka few weeks ago and met with the president and all involved in the war against the Tamil terrorists. This Narayan Kochchia, few months ago gave a statement; stating that Sri Lanka government MUST come to India to buy military equipment and is not allowed to go any where else to buy them. Did any elite Sinhala editorial writers analyze this statement? I did not see an editorial on this subject on any web page. On the contrast, when Dominic Chlicott, the British High Commissioner made the remark about the Sinhala language, every Sinhala editorial writer jumped on him.
Following is what he meant. He made the same statement that Jawahal Lal Nehru made in 1949. Jawahal Lal publicly said the following: If the British can capture and colonize, then Lanka and change the name to Ceyhilon, using our own troops (Indian troops) why can’t we (Indians) colonize Ceyhilon and keep it as an Indian protectorate? Jawahal Lal even named a Tamil Nadu Tamil to be the administrator of the protectorate. At that time, of course, all the heads of government departments were Tamils. Bank of Ceylon was run by Tamils. Jwahal Lal knew administering the protectorate will be easy, because of the Tamil dominance. Jawahal Lal came to then Ceylon in 1939 and created a Ceylon Indian Congress (CIC) and drafted a constitution that will have Sri Lanka, then Ceylon as a protectorate of India. This protectorate will be managed by Tamil Nadu Tamils. This model was same as the model that British created soon after they captured the “DALADHA MALIGAWA”. British brought Malayalis from Kerala to manage and control the DALADHA MALIGAWA. This CIC is now the Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) that is headed by Thondaman. CWC still, might have a constitution that was authored by Jawahal Lal Nehru. The main theme of this document was; how to protect the Tamils in Ceylon and eventually annexing Ceylon as a protectorate to India after the independence.

Even the astute editorial writer, on the Frontier Post of Pakistan (published on Lankaweb 06-26-08, editored by Walter Jayawardhana) with the brilliant article on the visit to Colombo by Manmohan Singh, starts with Indria Gandhi. Very few will remember how ruthless Jawahal Lal was, he was far more ruthless than the daughter Indira.

What Narayan did was to check the Sinhala sentiment and see how much uproar will his statement causes. He thought, may be some Sinhala politician will ask him to resign but nothing happened. So the Indian government thought we need to do the same tactic they have been using for the last 35 years, and threaten to bring Australian forces under the UN command. I have no doubt that they conveyed this message. As published in the Times of India website on June 23ed 2008, Narayn Kochchiya further said, “Sri Lanka is buying offensive weapons from China and Pakistan, and it should NOT be allowed to do so”. India been the supreme power it should decide what military equipment Sri Lanka can purchase.

The notion here is to portray Sinhala as a set of idiots who cannot protect their sovereign land militarily and economically. These three INDIAN PUNKS would have said that the Tamils are India’s Territorial Army and India will not allow Killinochchi to fall because if they do, then the strangle hold India has over Sri Lanka will be lost.

Dayan Jayatilleke writing the editorial for Island on 07-01-08 and was published on the Lankaweb, states that “The Indian Trio which visited us recently did not tell us to stop the war and/or talk to Prabhakaran. How did Dayan Jayatilleke know what they said and didn’t say to the Rajapkse administration? May be they brought some Masala Vade, Undhu Vade and Pakoda to have a tea party with President Rajapakse!

Norm of the day was to ridicule Sri Lanka military, for example: Recent letter by Anandasangree to president Rajapkse, requesting that the Sri Lanka Air Force inform the Tamil terrorists where the bombs are going to be dropped. In this scenario ample time is given for the Tamil terrorists to move civilians to this area. Who will get killed? Civilians and not the Tamil terrorists. One might think this is a hilarious request. It is certainly not; because, during the regimes of D.B. Wijayathunga, Premadase and Chandrika, it was the norm of the day. This is even better, Premadase’s national security advisor, Parskaralingham was present at all the military planning meetings that Premadase presided. This was no secret, and photographs were published in the news papers, but what an average person did not know was; as soon as the meeting was over Paskaralingham took a private plane to Chennai (then Madras) to give the detailed military plan to the Tamil terrorist agent, in turn this agent transmitted it to the Tamil terrorists front line defense, where successful evasive action was taken by the terrorists. After spending two or three days, Paskaralingham returns with a sack of money and gives it to Premadase (I do not have any proof of this but I picked it from kata kathaa “heard in the street corner”). Once Premadase receives the sack of money, he authorizes the bombing of the selected targets.

To the Indian central government and the Tamil Nadu Tamils, above scenario is alive today and can be activated. This activation can be done by using any political party: The UNP, SLFP, or JVP. The political polarization in Colombo is such; still the British Colonial attitude is relevant. Tamil Nadu Tamils know this and they play this trump card very well. Recent visit by Vikko to Norway and his request for an audience with the Norwegian king, which was turned down, is an example.


Sampoor coal fired electricity generating plant is where Indian trickery is at its best. What this is all about is transferring green house gases to Sri Lanka and siphoning generated electricity back to India (Tamil Nad). India is the fourth largest green house gas emitting country in the world and it has to avoid essence of being the third largest green house emitter. If this project goes through, India will have access to the Sri Lanka electric grid. It can then, manipulate the electrical grid using variety of mathematical algorithms to create artificial electrical shortages. India will now, has the power to control Sri Lanka economically, politically and militarily. If one is skeptical about the scenario I formulated then I will give an example so that one could judge it by him self.

Few years ago, state of California deregulated the electrical generating companies. As soon as this was done the speculators moved in and jacked the electricity prices up the same way the speculators are doing to the crude oil market today. State of California did not have money to pay for the electric power and there was wide spread electric power cuts much worse than in Sri Lanka. As a result, governor Davis of California was kicked out of office by petition.


Last month, so called Maoist terrorists took all the elected members of the Bihar state government to a Stadium and force them to state that they have resigned from the state government. They did as was told because previous week, a Bihar state member was killed and two family members of another member was kidnapped. Today in the state of Bihar there is no law and order nor a legitimate elected government. Just like in Tamil terrorist controlled Killinochchi. Why can’t the media in Sri Lanka publish this news item or the elite and astute editorial writers publishing on the Lankaweb or any other print media and write commentaries? Why can’t the Sinhala politicians question the INDIAN Government CLOWENS who says “Change your constitution to create Tamil only areas”: How about changing the Indian constitution to address the current no government situation in BIHAR? I do not know!

By Kithsiri Athulathmudali, Florida, USA

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