Then the International Media agencies became a shameless political tool for the LTTE.

Ex-Tamil Tigers set their eyes on polls
The TMVP is now led by a former Tiger child soldier who goes by the nom de guerre, Pillaiyan. He has not only turned his back on the Tigers’ ideal of independence for the Tamil minority, but his party is also allied with the government in the election. BBC(9th May 2008) Full Story

 Mr. Athas, it is the truth that you rape – Reportage most foul on the Muhamalai battle
Propaganda or psychological operations when it comes to the strict military terms, is a part and parcel of military strategy. Professional journalism however should be free from such propaganda elements and stick to the details without being biased or trying to hide information from the public. If Mr. Athas is in fact a defence correspondent knowledgeable on the subject, he should have reported what the sources told him rather than manipulating the information to give a misleading picture to suit his own agenda. In reality of course, no such absolutely free or unbiased media exists, as the work of the media person is always influenced by his personal values and the requirements of the media institution he or she works for. However, Mr. Athas’s work is far beyond an acceptable level of bias stemming from such unavoidable factors and can be identified more with propaganda than true journalism. Lankaweb Full Story


Duplicity of the free-media and human rights champions
President Rajapaksa had to appoint a Commission of Inquiries followed by an International Committee to probe on alleged human rights violations in Sri Lanka to counteract the pressure put on by the so-called human rights groups and, according to the media reports, these committees are to be effective since this month.
It is strange to see that, whenever the Tamil Tiger terrorism is to be wiped out from our soil, various ‘rights’ groups come from all directions and the end result is either complete stoppage or weakening of the actions against terrorism and thereby paving the way to strengthen the hands of the terrorist outfit. Full Story

source: Lankaweb

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