The entire nation is traumatized by the death of Lasantha Wickrematunga. A fearless and brilliant mind, a man of promise has been silenced in the the flower of his youth. The enormity of our loss was brought home to me as I returned by bus last afternoon. A woman, very rural and very ordinary, dressed in village attire and sitting on an adjacent bench, looked at me and said, “They have killed Lasantha Wickrematunga”. Then she unraveled the details of this horrendous crime. [ad#200×200]I do not know this woman. I do not even know why she addressed me. Probably she saw me as a person of education who would recognize the unpardonable nature of this crime which cries to heaven for vengeance. The circumstances of this untimely death have covered the nation with a shroud of untold grief and bereavement. Something within each of us has been brutally and irrecoverably taken away for ever.

Lasantha was loved as much as he was respected. He was a young man with a brilliant mind. He was sensitive. He was dauntless, daring and fearless. The position he held could not have been exercised by a lesser mortal. Lasantha’s reputation extended far beyond our shores. He was a luminary and a shining beacon of his profession. He was probably the best known and the most respected journalist in this country.

One may well ask oneself why was he killed in such a brutal fashion? Is it a reflection of a country which proclaims itself to be free or one in the grip of terror? The themes of democracy, freedom of expression, dignity of life sown to the four corners of the island are but empty rhetoric and political humbug, just sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.

It is a known fact that Lasantha’s life was in constant danger. This time the the murderers found their mark. A few days ago the TV station of MTV was attacked by unknown criminals. A government minister in a speech emitting fire and brimstone made a ludicrous attempt to place the blame on the opposition. We also know of senseless violence unleashed against the media on many previous occasions by another Minister, a man without a semblance of upbringing and education, but holding an honorary Ph.D mind you, going on the rampage and flouting every norm of civilized behaviour. He was fawned on by his political superiors with whose leave and license he so brazenly an overtly acted.

Why Lasantha had to die at such ignoble hands is crystal clear to all who have eyes to see. He died because the powers that are, do not tolerate opposition to whatever they do. The government is riding the crest of the wave of popularity due to the much awaited successful thrust against the LTTE. It was able to corner, push back and overthrow the conventional forces of the LTTE thanks without any semblance of doubt to two combined forces; the bravery and sacrifices of our soldiers, and the international political conjuncture, including that of India, finally awoken to the monstrous nature of terrorism in all its forms. The non interference of India was the most relevant factor in our anti terrorism drive. These luxuries the previous governments did not enjoy. Victory over terrorism, laudable and appreciated by all cannot be the license to silence opposition.

It is very well know that governments, even those flaunting flawless democratic credentials have their own mafia. That answers the question as to who killed Lasantha. The mafia at the service of officialdom killed him. Our leaders, like all leaders run with the fox and hunt with the hounds. They have the left hand off iniquity under the table bogged down in the quagmire that is the underworld, and the right hand of rectitude upheld for applause by the ignorant crowds.

Ironically and paradoxically the search for the killers will go on too. National and international voices will call on the srilankan government to investigate the crime and bring the culprits to justice. One half of officialdom will voice horror and indignation at the brutal slaughter and silencing on an indomitable champion of freedom of expression while the other half will be display a wry grimace of self justification. The hand over the table will be clenched in righteous anger against the vilest of the vile, the perpetrators of this horrendous deed that hanging on a hundred gibbets will not atone. The other hand, the one under the table will already be caressing the heads of the mad dogs on human legs who mowed down this incomparably precious young life.

Oh for the sound of this voice that is still. ‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning’ they who caused this death will know and remember. ”For them no minstrel raptures swell…. And, doubly dying, shall go down to the vile dust from whence they sprung…”

By Mario Perera Kadawata
source: Lankaweb

3 thoughts on “LASANTHA….. WHO KILLED HIM ?

  1. This article claims to answer the question of “Lasantha…Who killed him?”. and you accuse some group associated with the Govt of Sri Lanka of doing it. Yet I see no reasonable evidence presented by you; all is conjecture.

    If unsupported conjecture is all you have, I can present a counter conjecture. The GOSL is riding high on a wave of popularity because of its outstanding leadership in the conduct of this war of national liberation. It does not need to silence Lasantha in order to win the upcoming Provincial Elections, or to pursue the war in 2009. This murder is therefore a liability for the GOSL; a liability created by the enemies of the GOSL.

    Therefore, we must ask, who would want the GOSL to have such a liability? There are two sets of people: 1. The opposition political parties of the GOSL that would like to discredit the GOSL to prevent a landslide win at the upcoming Provincial Elections, and 2. The LTTE which would like to prevent the consolidation of the victories of the defence forces and its superb management of foreign countries, by bringing down the current GOSL which is the only one in the history of the eelam conflict, that has successfully dealt with both its military and political aspects. It is also possible, that it could also be a combination of these two parties.

    Finally, it also puzzles me why the Daily News would publish a completely unsubstantiated accusation such as this article in a reputable newspaper.

  2. Obviously there is absolutely no reason and nothing to gain by this act especially so for the GOSLas it’s riding high and deservedly so. Sad to hear someone say liberation of this community is purely due to less external pressure and not due to ultimate sacifice made by our brave boys and girls and the leadership political as well as armed forces and minimising the colateral damage unlike what happened in Gaza.
    MTV also had their best equipment safegaurded before the attack and started broadcasting without a wimp. Best thing would be to bring in Scotland Yard to investigate both crimes. That way we can avoid “The Putin Syndrome”

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