Submit Links

We require the Reciprocal to be on the same domain as the link you are submitting. To validate the reciprocal link please include the HTML code in the page at the URL specified above, before submiting this form:

Terms and Conditions:

Please read the following rules before submitting your website:

1) Reciprocal Link Only

2) Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identicalcontent, but have altogether different URLs.

3) Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.

4) Do not submit sites “under construction.”

5) We do not accept, if your site is adult only material, child pornography, violence, hatred, fraud, selling pirated software, drugs, warez, gambling, betting, an online pharmacy or anything illegal.

6) In Description area DO NOT Include owner name, email address, phone number, keyword or company address.

7) Submit your Top-level page only, (Home Page)

8) Don’t submit sites consisting largely of advertising links.

Your website will be reviewed and added in to our database within 2-5 days.


Our editors have the right to accept or reject any site submitted.
Our editors may alter the title and/or description or your submission.
Our editors may place your site in the category that they believe most relevant.
Our editors have the right to delete any listing for any reason.