LTTE cleansing out evidences in fear of post war trial

LTTE terrorists are remotely continuing with mass execution of Tamil civilians who stand opposed to its separatist cause in the land stretch earlier declared as a no fire zone by the GoSL. What is going inside the no fire zone with the civilians held hostage by LTTE is deplorable. Civilians are killed at will and at gunpoint. Some are burnt beyond recognition and all in the light of reprisal for ‘betrayal’.

Cleansing out evidences:
The LTTE is cleansing-out all evidences that stand against it in light of a probable trail for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The entire area under LTTE is now a large torture chamber with almost 38,000 civilians held forcibly and against their will. Families are daily disappeared in numbers and never heard again. LTTE has inducted members of its ‘Maha-viru’ families, who themselves work as moles for the outfit to catch the marked civilians defying LTTE orders. Children and women are armed and turned into human bombs and led to the fore front fortifying the LTTE line of defence in the remaining land.

Even though there are a few aid workers in the area the human suffering is not reflected as it is. The ground reality is distanced and distorted from reaching the outer world by these misfits under the guise of ‘aid workers’. These aid workers are all local staffers and evidently moles of LTTE, who have remained tight lipped on the unfolding civilian catastrophe but continues to sketch unrealistic figures and ghostly shelling and aerial attacks.

They never came upon with the true facts and they never will. They failed to notice the accommodation of the Puthukkudiyirippu government hospital by the LTTE and the use of the medical facility by the outfit to mount artillery and heavy mortar attacks at troops. The destructions of millions of rupees worth medicines, operations theaters and other medical equipment were kept shied away from the concerned authorities until security forces liberated the facility on 12th March. People are deprived of their right of access to medical care and health facilities even with the basic services.

LTTE has written 'My No', in Sinhala as 'Your number' and more Sinhala spellings for the word number is wrong. This is not the first incident of using forged documents by the LTTE. LTTE has over the years resorted to such cheap tactics to gain propaganda mileage.
LTTE has written

‘Shortage of medicine’:
The Ponnnambalam Government hospital was also used for treatment of senior LTTE cadres and as a hideout, located in a high security area declared by the outfit itself. Access was only granted to a few senior ranks of the LTTE. Concerned authorities in Mullaittivu have failed in their duties to notify the use of both the Puthukkudiyirippu and Ponnambalam Government hospitals for military purposes. This should also be viewed as a deliberate act of treason against a legitimate government abating the ideologies of an internationally banned terrorist outfit. An exhibition of contempt on the suffering of the hundreds of civilians held hostage by the LTTE. Such a low note would only worsen the plight of the innocent people under the LTTE tyranny and this is indeed a sheer violation of the codes and ethics of any humanitarian work.

LTTE spin doctoring exposed:
Citing a recent news report distributed by LTTE propaganda fronts of an illusive shortage of medicines at the Mullaittivu hospital, a defence observer said that international media outlets were taken on a wild ride for a couple of hours until the truth surfaced.

Below we annex the forged document posted on a pro-LTTE web site as produced by the Regional Director of Health Services in Mullaittivu on 13th March, 2009 under the heading ‘Mullaittivu Hospital to close due to lack of medicine’. Stirred with the revelation of true facts on the illusive propaganda stunt the pro-LTTE web portal has removed the news item and related links. Unfortunately, this same news item was extracted by the international media outlets without any proper verification of the facts and spread discrediting the current humanitarian operations of the Sri Lankan government amidst all odds. Hence, we think it is our duty to prove with sufficient evidences the form of disinformation spread belittling the most successful humanitarian campaign in modern time.

Ministry of Defence

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