Mangala Samaraweera and His Defence Watch that Dedicated for the Terrorists

In a country where the democracy is duly implemented, the people will always have the right and the freedom to voice their different political opinion. The freedom of speech is a powerful tool that has been vastly utilized in the process of voicing these opinions and when the authorities responsible to monitor how the individuals use this freedom are inactive or powerless, a grave damage can be shrewdly done to the country by anybody.

[ad#200×200]This is what Mangala Samaraweera is committed to do to Sri Lanka today. Being a totally failed and a rejected politician, he is trying to put the whole country into an unstable situation by barking like a mad dog. He has failed to demonstrate a bit of decency so far since he was fired from the cabinet by the President and his mud-sliding campaign against the SL government has reached a node of peak recently.

He has all the rights to criticize the President or any other politician however he wants and that can be tolerated. But when he criticizes the armed forces that are fighting to free the country from a deadly terrorist outfit, no longer it can be easily tolerated.

Mangala Samaraweera should either shut his dirty mouth up or move permanently to Tamil Nadu or somewhere else where he can cherish his ideas with people like him. It is most unfortunate that Sri Lankans lived up to see these kinds of traitors. His evil face with the traitorous mouth has become a symbol of disgust to the media.

A better punishment that the media can impose upon this ugly evil man is to neglect and abandon him completely by staying away from him.

If Mangala Samaraweera knows the wits and guts of a true man, he will not open his mouth to mud slide the forces ever. His ultimate goal is to demoralize the courageous forces thus giving the upper-hand to the ruthless Wanni terrorists. What he does not know is that, all the servicemen and women in the forces are better disciplined and behaved than him. The great men and women we have in the forces possess a higher caliber of intelligence than him and the more he tries to demoralize the forces, the more the forces will be moralized.

When Ranil is using his diplomatic powers to go around the world to mudslide Sri Lanka, Mangala and other traitors are trying to do the same job locally.

Ranil and Mangala who are not capable of maintaining meaningful complete family lives, try their level best to take the revenge from the whole Sri Lankan nation. These spineless creatures are more dangerous than armed terrorists and it is the responsibility of all peace loving Sri Lankans to kick these traitors out for good.

Sri Lanka shall definitely be a better place sans traitors like Ranil Wickramasinghe, Mangala Samaraweera, Lakshman Kiriella, Tissa Attanayake, Wickramabahu Karunaratne, Harsha Abeywardane, Jayalath Jayawardane, Kumar Rupasinghe and likes.

By Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

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