Menon You are Not Welcome

India destabilised Sri Lanka by arming and training Tamil Tiger terrorists and brought it to this state and now you are coming to steal the achievements of its brave army.

The last time you came you bullied our spineless politicians and stole our oil reserves. Evil India is the reason for the present state in Sri Lanka .

[ad#200×200]Sri Lanka was a relatively peaceful country until India interfered and brought it to this state. Thanks to India 70,000 people are dead, violence has infiltrated our society, Corruption is in epidemic proportions etc

No wonder your country is the most hated country in the sub continent because you are a bully. Lets be straight we are not a colony of India.

The jingoism of politicians in your country just confirms that your country is run by a set of thugs. All citizens of Sri Lanka should greet you with Black Flags to show you that you are not welcome.

By Bhoomiputra
source: Lankaweb

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