MIA misled Tavis Smiley about terror

To: Mr. Tavis Smiley at PBS

February 19, 2009

Subject: MIA misled Tavis Smiley about terror
Dear Mr. Smiley,

I was shocked by the comments made by this person called M.I.A. on The Tavis Smiley Show since her accusations have been proven to be false. How can an artist go on public television and make such baseless and horrific comments about a nation that has done so much for the well-being of the Tamil minority? Her derogatory comments have energized the LTTE terror operatives worldwide and horrified the public. Sri Lanka is a paradise with an incredibly rich and compassionate culture and a famous tourist destination. But unfortunately, the only things discussed on your show were ‘genocide’ and ‘civil war’ which is sad, misleading and petty. That seems to be exactly the agenda of the LTTE.

[ad#200×200]Let me thank you for exposing Maya Arulpragasam for who she really is: an advocate for the ruthless Tamil Tiger Terrorists operating from Britain. Until now we had scattered dots. Previously, many were offended by her use of LTTE terror images since the LTTE are the most brutal terrorist organization in the world. Their criminal enterprise is global and merciless. I was hoping that you will highlight that but there was no mention of any of the Tamil Tiger Terrorists’ atrocities mentioned in your discussion such as: the mass murder of civilians by suicide bombings, ethnic cleansing of non-Tamils, using innocent civilians as human shields, recruiting children as soldiers, narcotics trade, assassination of political leaders, extortion, sea piracy, credit card fraud, money laundering, ID fraud, arms trafficking, counterfeit trade, attempting to bribe U.S. State Department officials and the systematic murder of moderate Tamils.

What you have done is to help us connect the dots that link this person to the LTTE Terrorists. As you probably know, UK is a haven for Tamil radicals and terrorists. Please Google “LTTE Terrorists Funding wars UK extortion” for more information. The British let the LTTE celebrate suicide bombers at meetings in London for money and votes. Please Google “Tamils celebrate suicide bombers UK Maveerar” to read more about this. Therefore it is no surprise that a person from that community will back the terrorist group that operates out of the same country. What shocked me is that you seems to give more time to M.I.A. make her outrageously false accusations and then get an AP reporter on too who has a history of been manipulated by the LTTE propaganda machine. Please consider reading the ‘Truth about terror in the media’ at http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items09/140109-1.html

M.I.A. is a great example where the criminal accuses the victim of the crime. During their campaign of murder, over 10,000 Sinhalese were killed by the Tamil Tiger Terrorists supported by individuals like her. Tamils live and work in peace in all parts of Sri Lanka. You are welcome to check these facts which you will not get from M.I.A. The same Tamils own over half of the businesses, run political parties and publish newspapers freely in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, only a Tamil can live in the North or North-East of the island. All other ethnic groups live in fear of death or were systematically murdered by LTTE. This is genocide by the Tamil Tigers and M.I.A. showed absolutely no remorse for that. Therefore where is the basis for her bogus comments falsely accusing Sri Lanka?

Dear Mr. Smiley, how do you plan to un-ring this bell by truly educating your viewers about global terror and Tamil Tiger Terrorists, exposing front orgs for terror including hip hop artists and showing compassion for thousands of innocent civilians murdered by the LTTE Terrorists while been backed by persons like M.I.A.?

Having seen the real intentions of this individual, we now have to inform everyone concerned including the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Academy Awards organizers, media distributers and retails outlets such as Amazon and Best Buy to remove all work of this terror-affiliated artist. As you know, it is illegal in the US and in many countries to fund and support the Tamil Tigers because they are terrorists. Google “LTTE Terrorists FBI US” for the truth about terror.

Please consider my attached letter to Senator John Kerry, Chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. We have a daunting task of educating everyone including our lawmakers about hidden threats to our freedoms. It is also online at http://www.defence.lk/new.asp?fname=20090213_06. Hope you will join us in this noble cause.

Once again, thank you for helping us connect M.I.A. to the world’s most ruthless terrorist group.


Wick. Gankanda
Arcadia, California

Wick. Gankanda Arcadia, California

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