No Condemnation from the UNP?

Why Still No Condemnation from the UNP?: More than two days have passed since Parabakaran struck grief to this nation, but, Ranil, as usual stubbornly refuses to utter a word against him.

[ad#200×200]When live, Ranil manipulated Janaka to the greatest extent to get maximum political mileage. Janaka’s unassuming nature and political innocence was destroyed by this ruthless, longest standing Opposition Leader. He was made to say nasty things against his colleagues and against the President under whom he served without any problem.

By not condemning the LTTE for the barbaric act, Ranil continues to insult the great General even after his death. Blaming the government for a suicide attack carried out by the group with whom Ranil signed the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) not so long ago is highly suspicious.

This is not the first time this buck passing game was played by the UNP leadership. When Lucky Algama and T Maheswaran were killed by the LTTE, UNP deliberately avoided putting the blame where it belongs. Aggravating circumstances include,

the total absence of UNP MPs, high ranking official or at least a relative of them at the opening ceremony. How many MPs UNP got from the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa districts? Why none was present at the time?
sudden and mysterious hospital visits by a few UNPers just days before the incident pretending that they care about soldiers
total absence of pro-war stalwarts in the UNP which makes it the only national party not to have any
high infestation of strong LTTE supporters within the party. There are at least four (4) hardcore LTTE supporters in parliament sitting in the UNP
openly ridiculing the cause Janaka fought for (for an unbroken time span of 35 years with complete dedication) by none other than Ranil’s senior media spokesman who equated soldiers to asses
complete disregard of Janaka’s achievements. At no time did any UNP leader appreciated, recognized, talked about or even mentioned Janaka’s military achievements in detail.
plotting Janaka against Karuna in order to create a rift between the SLA and TMVP. This bond has been very successful and it is the wish of the LTTE that it collapses sometime soon.
lifting the ban on the LTTE in 2002 in spite of ardent promises not to do so barely two years after Lucky Algama was killed by the LTTE.

Surely there is something very strange going on here. It is upto patriotic UNPers, if any, to put pressure on the UNP to openly and unreservedly condemn the LTTE for killing their very own Janaka Perera.

by Dilrook Kannangara

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