Pillayan regrets attack on Dalada Maligawa

The newly-elected Chief Minister of the East has expressed regret over the attack on the Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy a decade ago, when he visited the site venerated by Buddhists yesterday (May 18th).

Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan alias Pillayan, also leader of the TMVP, paid homage to the sacred tooth relic from the outer shrine, since the inner chamber was closed at the time, an administrative official of the Dalada Maligawa told ‘Lanka Dissent.’

Later, he inspected the area where the bomb attack took place 10 years ago.

Mr. Chandrakanthan also called on the Mahanayaka Thera of the Malwatte Chapter, the Most Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thera.

There, the East CM said that he wants to promote friendship among the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities and to develop his province.

He sought the blessings of the sacred tooth relic as well as the Mahanayake Theras for his efforts.

Mr. Chandrakanthan accused certain Tamil politicians of inciting racial hatred among the Sinhala and Tamil communities.

The Mahanayake Thera said he was pleased over the entry of the TMVP leader to the democratic stream.

The East CM also called on the Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter, the Most Venerable Udugama Sri Buddharakkhitha Thera.

The leading prelate congratulated Mr. Chandrakanthan and stressed that he should take to the eastern people the dividends of the democratic right given by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the political leadership in the province.

The Mahanayake Thera also expressed optimism that the East CM would bring the communities together and develop the province.

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