Prabha may plan a chemical weapon attack: Karuna

TMVP Leader Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman has warned the frustrated LTTE Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran might use chemical weapons to protect his life in the future and also due to a series of military setbacks in the northern region.
Claiming the LTTE organisation is now militarily weaken, Mr. Amman said during the last 25 years, he was the one who defeated almost all the offensives launched by the then Sri Lanka government, when he was in the LTTE.

Prabhakaran was now planning to use the people in the uncleared areas as human shields for the war in the northern region, said Mr. Amman

Though Prabhakaran continues to claim that military powers was his during the last 25 years, it was I who led the LTTE forces to defeat the security forces offensives such as Jayasikuru, Elephant Pass battle, Kilinochchi battle etc., Mr. Amman told a news briefing on the sideline of a series of political meetings in Welikanda last few days.

He was campaigning for Mangalam Master, who is contesting for the forthcoming provincial council election.

Mr. Amman also said Prabhakaran would not definitely enter the democratic path.

Praising President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa for their leadership, Mr. Amman said he expected to enter the Parliament in order to help his people in the east.


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