Prabhakaran’s Life Line On the Way?

Aided by Legal and Policy Director of Human Rights Watch , James Ross, UN Colombo Head Gordon Weiss, ICRC, EU External Relations Commissioner, Banita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton, and UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon in tandem with LTTE cohorts in Wanni Hospital, terrorist leader is ready to escape once again on the shoulders of civilians and begin the next cycle of violence.

[ad#200×200]My question is who are they to dictate terms to a sovereign country? Government forces “must under international law, take all feasible steps to protect civilian from injury and loss of life” dictates Mr. Ross. Sri Lankan forces have done more than that even under the most difficult of circumstances. Here is a man from an organization which was mum on Bush and Blair invasion of Iraq which displaced 4 million civilians and killed more than 260,000 civilians. It was equally mum on Haditha, Fallujah massacres and Guantanamo tortures. Suddenly, HRW has summoned courage to dictate terms to a “Banana Republic” because theirs are greater republics which were settled by annihilating locals.

Ban Ki-Moon on the other hand asks “warring parties to ensure the protection of civilians and expresses his deep concern about the safety and well-being of civilians caught in intensified fighting in the Wanni region. This is an organization, which aided and abetted the invasion of Iraq under the pretext of WMD. We all remember Prof. Hans Blix, UN Chief Weapons’ Inspector (UNSCOM) who lied and spied on Iraq to security council, paving the way for Bush Blair Invasion of Iraq.

Ms. Ferrero-Waldner says “international standards must be respected” even when terrorists are blasting bunds of reservoirs and drowning civilians and armed forces alike. She further says “government should provide unrestricted access for the UN and humanitarian agencies” to war zone. She dictates that Sri Lankan government should “now give priority to outlining and implementing an ambitious and sustainable political solution which can put Sri Lanka on the path towards peace and reconciliation between communities.” This is coming from “The Coalition of the Willing” of Iraqi Invasion which even used ammunitions rich with depleted uranium on Iraqi people.

One wonders if Sri Lanka still is a colony of these cohorts? Sri Lanka has been bleeding for past three decades with estimated 120,000 lives lost and doubled the number maimed due to blood thirsty terrorists. She was left alone to bleed until one fine day she woke up with sheer will of people to endure every economic hardship in order to stop it. She did not have any help from these peace advocates. INGOs and NGOs disguised as friends raped her under the pretext of illusive peace all the while strengthening the murderers. She bled while these advisors turned blind eye to fund raisings, arms procurements and human smuggling by the terrorists. They even banned selling weapons to Sri Lanka to combat terrorism while sending tanks and battalions to far away lands like Iraq and Afghanistan . Now Sri Lanka is on the verge of ridding this menace forever. Suddenly bleeding heart humanitarians come showing her plenty of international standards and human rights laws. One wonders why is this expediency at this hour? Are LTTE allies joining the human shield?

Tilak Dias, PhD

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