Once a great party the UNP has become the worst ever political party in the world today under the worst leadership of Ranil Wickckramasinghe. He is a man without any decent principles but a person having a born skill to destroy Sri Lanka. He never loved his country of birth but dreamed after dream to become the president of the country by hook or crook. In order to make his fairy dream a reality, he would do all the nastiest and ugly actions that nobody would even think of possible.

He not only breached the UNP party policies to help the Wanni terrorists but also vested all the powers he possesses as a leader to mudsling the country he was born by many means. He goes around the world to criticize the SL government and whitewash the terrorists.

The SAM missiles and all other powerful weapons which the terrorists are using against the Sri Lankan government were passed to the terrorists under Ranil’s patronage and help. When the terrorists were massacring scores of civilians Ranil was dumb and never uttered a word against the terrorists. When the Sri Lankan invincible forces start beating the terrorists from left to right and top to bottom Ranil was extremely disappointed. He and his buddy and mango friend Prabhakaran have a common goal in mind and that is one of the reasons that they go well with each other.

That is nothing else but to destroy the Buddhism and to make it suppressed in Sri Lanka. That is also a main reason for many countries to help the terrorists over the Sri Lankan government. But what all of them do not know yet about Buddhism is that, Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy and is ‘the’ doctrine of the Nature. So if somebody thinks or tries to destroy the Nature he better fly a kite instead.

Buddhism not only respects all other religions to the maximum but also never believe in conversions of religions or missions. Every living and un-living being is subjected to the doctrine of Buddhism so as the Nature of laws.

Back to the recent developments in Sri Lankan political arena, Kabir Hashim of UNP is bringing up some proposals for IMF to consider before granting a loan to the government. Cancellation of Mihin Lanka, reducing the number of ministerial portfolios, reducing the housing allowance for ministers, and getting rid of corruption and waste are his proposals.

On behalf of the SL government, let me respond to Mr. Kabir Hashim’s conditions as follow;
Firstly the state-owned air liner Mihin Lanka is just a start for Sri Lanka to have its fully fledged and owned air line for the first time and obviously it had many obstacles from the beginning. Mihin Lanka will have no sole ownership but the governing government will be responsible for its operation with the patronage of military commanders and officials. So if such an air liner can become a success and all the profits will be back to the country, what is your objection Mr. Kabir? Is the closeness of the name Mihin to Mahinda bothering you? Well then you better know that if not for the man having the name Mahinda Rajapaksha, Sri Lanka is still under the threat of some dirty pigs who called themselves as liberation tigers.

Secondly regarding the number of ministerial portfolios; if the present government cannot maintain its majority in the parliament, it will be an easy game for the traitors like you and other UNP cowards to topple government and present the country back to the terrorists on a deed. Having understood that, you also should be aware that once the menace of terrorism is completely eradicated, there will only be handful of ministers in Sri Lanka and that day is not very far.

Thirdly, you want to reduce the housing rental allowance to the ministers and as an MP you should already be aware that the government is looking all possible ways to reduce and cut all unnecessary expenses. Not only the housing allowance but many other expenses are being studied and if it is found that they are over the reasonable values, they will be reduced immediately.

Fourthly regarding the waste and corruption; it is obviously a usual and common practice by most politicians irrespective of any party discrimination in Sri Lankan political history from the beginning, but under the initiation of present president of Sri Lanka, there will be a drastically new resolution to solve that problem as well.

Once the terrorist are Resting In Peace, not only the above problematic issues will be well addressed by the Sri Lankan present government but also lead the country to the top of the world.
So Mr. Hashim, without wasting your precious time anymore, it is high time for you also now to get on to the train operated by President Rajapaksha or you will be too late and disappointed forever. Do not try to cough on behalf of Ranil the traitor, but join for a national government.

Whatever it is, it was proved in the past few days that there is nobody available in the present UNP party with a mannish spinal code but everybody is just a useless, except the brave and patriotic UNP members who have crossed to the government side.

As long as the UNP is lead by Ranil alias ‘The Biggest Traitor’, no power can stop the destruction of the party day by day and second by second.

In the light of the above, Ranil and the UNP with Kabir Hashim better know that you have no any right whatsoever to introduce conditions on IMF or any other loan, because what Sri Lankan government is mostly trying to accomplish today is to reverse what UNP under dangerous Ranil executed towards the destruction of our motherland Sri Lanka.

Today undoubtedly President Rajapaksha has earned the title of the best ever leader of the modern Sri Lankan history and the best and courageous ruling leader in the present world. In the same manner today Sri Lanka has the best Secretary of Defense, and Commanders of the Forces with ever brave service men and women.

Currently Sri Lanka is enjoying the best combination of the leaderships in terms of political and military in recent history.

Sri Lanka will be on top of the world within a very few years under President Rajapaksha’s broad vision called ‘Mahinda Chinthanaya’ and all peace loving people are preparing to enjoy that moment.

Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

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