Ranil Wickremasinghe – The Greatest Traitor the Nation has ever Produced.

Ranil Wickremasinghe when he was Prime Minister under the Presidency of Chandrika Kumaranatunga went to Singapore and Signed a Ceasefire agreement with the LTTE.

The contents of this document was not even divulged to the House of Representatives. This was with the connivance of Erik Solhein.

During this period the Deep Penetration unit of the Army was harassing the LTTE and taking out their cadres one by one.

The LTTE greatly feared this unit of army commandos. Ranil agreed to arrest this group under false pretenses and give out their identities to the LTTE. This was carried out with the help of John Amaratunge who was the Home Minister at the time.

They brought a group of Police from Kandy and arrested all the commandos, took their photographs and published in the newspapers with detailed information and exposed them to the LTTE. The Army Commander had to go to the Court House in Kandy and rescue these Commandos, but the damage had been done.

The LTTE killed all these Brave Commandos one by one. This is the Greatest Betrayal in the History of Sri Lanka.

Now that Our great President has destroyed the LTTE, Ranil Wickremasinghe and John Amaratunge should be put on Trial for Treason and Punished. Until this is done we cannot have justice in Sri Lanka.

Siri Fernando of New York, USA.

9 thoughts on “Ranil Wickremasinghe – The Greatest Traitor the Nation has ever Produced.

  1. Ranil Wickramasinghe, John Amarathunga and so called Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena and all those traitors the puppets of the West should be hung to death for their sins.

    They should pay for the deaths of those brave commando soldiers and thousands of soldiers, who sacrificed their lives & limbs. LTTE terrorists became so srtong because of their support. LTTE broughts tons of TNT, C4 explosives & all heavy weapons like artilery during Ranil was in power.

  2. So called brave people & patriots were hiding in fear at that time, he had no option. He rescued the country.
    now this is government propagada to rob the sri lankans & stay in power.

  3. Thusara,
    It seems that you are a supporter of Ranil, who has no clear vision, who doesn’t know how to speak in front of public. Is he actually a leader? Is he suitable for leading our country? No. But, he is a leader for something else.

    Ranil is greedy in power. He doesn’t want to give up the leadership of UNP even. Now UNPers are against him.
    Ranil will do anything for coming in to power.

    What did Ranil do to our country during his power? Only the ceasfire agreement that helped LTTE to stengthen militerily.

    UNP will never come in to power until Ranil is in Politics. They were the politicians, who ruined our country for 18 years.

    If you go to the history, JR came to power with so called slogan “Dharmishta Society” he abolished the death penalty. Then they created underworld gangs to control the opposition. Sotti Upali, Nawala Nihal and Gonawala Sunil are few examples. During they were in power corruption and crimes were increased. Can you find a “Dharmishta society in Sri Lanka now? UNP is responsible for all this. Needless to say that Rani is a close relative of JR too.

    Where was Ranil when Sri Lanka Army won the war against LTTE terrorists? He was in Norway. For what?

    Ranil is the greatest Traitor of our country. It’s clear

    President Mahinda Rajapaksa lead the country from defeating terrorism. Everybody should support the President Rajapaksa to buid the country now. He is the greatest President for ever. It will be written in history books.

  4. If we didn’t have a good political and military leadrship, we never achieve this suecess. War was spoiled by many politicians like Ranil. Ranil, Mangala, Kirialle & Ravy Karunanayake Insulted SL forces & Army chief during the war. Do you remember?

  5. Unbelievable. Sri Sri Lanka by defeating the LTTE, defeated the Vatican, The Cia, M16 and the KGB. Such a tiny nation defeated the whole of the West. Next, please help free India.

  6. Cut the bullshit siril you living in US, earning dollers n having all the luxurys and talk about the lankan politics.. ppl are staving n middle class ppl becoming can’t even survive with this stupid, thuggery political leaders in lanka, so please when you say something think twist n don’t thing like A selfish assHoLE

  7. MR name will be writtin in SL histpry books in gold letters. Of course Ranil’s name will also be there ….you know why .

  8. Mr Ranil is the leading agent of western cristian countries .He is not having any love to SL, only having mind of how to come to power using under world games. He is not a any power of publc

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