Sangari Rubbishes Allegation of Genocide Against Tamils “There is no question of genocide against the Tamils. I have already explained this to the people of Jaffna, when I was last time there. In a meeting in Jaffna, where more than one thousand people attended and in my address, I told them that the charges of genocide is all rubbish,” said V. Anandasangari, leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front.

[ad#200×200]Anandasangari speaking to Asian Tribune said, “What that happened in Germany during the Second World War, we can classify it as genocide, which was an attempt to annihilate a section of humanity as a whole. What happened in the killing of 500 police officers in the East also can be classified as genocide. In fact, there is one or two deaths once in two or three days on a random level and it cannot be classified as genocide.

When asked about the chasing of the Tamil speaking Muslims from the North, he admonished Tiger leader Velupillai Prabakaran for the evil act of chasing the Muslims from Jaffna and other areas in the north.

Speaking to Asian Tribune, Anandasangari said, “that was a highly condemnable act of Prabakaran. He chased all most all the Muslims from the North who lived there for centuries. This is an anti-human act of ethnic cleansing.

He said, “up to date, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidi who speaks about the Tamils in Sri Lanka has not uttered a word about the pathetic plight of the Tamil speaking Muslims, who are still languishing in the refugee camps in Puttalam for the last eighteen long torturous years.

“I want our Muslim brothers to come back now. I have repeatedly said about this. They must be brought back to Jaffna ,” he told with determination.

The Tamil veteran politician confirmed that he too has heard that Prabakaran is no more in Vanni. He said he received news from Vanni that he has already slipped out of the country with his wife and children.

He went on to express his long standing and fervent desire of visiting Kilinochchi. He said he lived in Kilinochchi since from 1960 and represented the constituency since 1970 until such time he switched on to contest in the Jaffna electoral district.

Anandasangari said as Kilinochchi has been liberated, he likes very much to visit Kilinochchi and other liberated areas in Vanni and also to meet the people who have managed to come to safer areas in the government controlled areas.

Anandasangari recently met the Indian Foreign Secretary Shiva Shankar Menon along with D. Siththarthan and Sritharan. When asked about his meeting he said he pointed out to Shiva Shankar Menon that the 13th amendment to constitution as an outdated one.

He said, “We pointed out that even the great politician like SWRD Bandaranaiake who introduced the Sinhalese as the official language, had subsequently introduced the reasonable usage of Tamil. He was a great patriot but changed his views as the initial language law was impracticable. It reflects the weakness in the unitary system.

“We want to bring in an Amendment to the constitution once and for all that will not be meddled with by anyone in the future.

“Even today there are signs that some political parties are taking some radical position against the devolution of power. If a solution is found under the federal system, then it will be the best one. Unfortunately federal system is allergic to many and there are some ministers like Dilon Perrera, who has courageously said that ‘I am for the Federal system’. So that is why I suggested for an Indian model because it will satisfy people who are allergic to the term federal.

“This can be easily told and well understood. Even Tamil Nadu can be easily silenced, because Tamil Nadu cannot ask for more than what they are enjoying at present. It is the only reason I keep on asking for the Indian model.

“I also brought to the notice of Menon that Tamil Nadu should have taken a strong stand in the matter of displaced Tamils in Vanni. We clearly explained to Menon that the displaced Tamils are kept under compulsion by the LTTE. If not they would have been able to go and settle down with their families in safer areas.

All the people have been pushed back and cornered earlier in Darmapuram, but now Darmapuram have been liberated from the clutches of LTTE and the latest news reveals that government forces have entered Puthukkudiyiruppu,” – Anandasangari said.

– Asian Tribune –

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