Sri Lanka officials complicit in Tamil Genocide ?

Open letter in response to Tamilnet article with the Title “Sri Lanka officials complicit in Tamil Genocide? “ and the commentary authored by Bruce Fein.

Dear Sir,

Support for the LTTE terrorist group

The comments made by Mr Fein in his article, shows how little he knows about Buddhism, Sinhalese and how much he has been brain washed by LTTE. Buddhists treat all humans as equals and do not use violence to propagate or sustain Buddhism. Buddhist philosophy has a good code of conduct for humans and as far as I am aware, does not deal with super natural things It may very well be the passive nature of Buddhists that allowed themselves to be subjected to ethnic cleansing by South Indian invaders. In my view, majority of Tamils are good people, with a good sense of values, ethics and morality. I have to state again that I have respect and affection for Tamil brothers and sisters. We need to differentiate between LTTE who are terrorists and the ordinary Tamil persons, who are good.

As you have mentioned genocide, many of us are aware that it is the Americans who carried out genocide against the native American Indians. As Sri Lanka is the only home country of the Sinhalese, they have every moral right to defend Sri Lanka and also take steps to prevent ethnic cleansing by a terrorist group.

It may be the passive nature of Buddhists that have made them vulnerable to aggressive invaders, as shown by the disappearance of Buddhists in various parts of the world.

Mr Fein could ‘google’ to learn about Buddhism.

Summary of Buddhist conduct are:

1. Not to take a life ie not to kill

2. Not to take what is not given ie not to steal

3. Avoid Sexual Misconduct

4. Not to Deceive

5. Avoid Slander of others

6. Avoid Harsh words

7. Avoid Empty Speech

8. Avoid Greedy Thoughts

9. Not to be Malicious

10. Avoid the Wrong View

You may not be aware that LTTE has increased its attacks on civilians on a regular basis. LTTE carried out an undeclared war on Sri Lanka, killing key GoSL officials and key Politicians. LTTE made unsuccessful attacks on the defense secretary of Sri Lanka and also on the Army commander of Sri Lanka Both these key officials are needed for the defense of Sri Lanka. As can be seen by the killing and destruction carried out by LTTE, no ordinary Sri Lankan, Tamil or Sinhalese, or Muslim would be safe, if the terrorist group is allowed to operate. Of course we would like to see a non racist Sri Lanka, where all ethnic groups live in peace and harmony, helping each other. LTTE attacks on civilians have created many orphans and many disabled persons. LTTE is destroying Sri Lanka, in a manner similar to that of ancient Tamil invaders who destroyed the Sinhalese civilization, in a cruel and immoral manner. It is LTTE that killed Tamils, to please the fascist power hungry leaders of LTTE. Recently, there has been a racist killing of a Sinhalese student in the Eastern University and all the Sinhalese students have been made to vacate the University. Are you silent on such conduct ? Enough is enough, the destruction and the cycle of violence has to stop, and all need to learn to live free of racism.

LTTE started its terror campaign by hanging law abiding Tamils on lamp posts to indicate that any one who disagree with them would be killed. Indeed over 25 democratic Tamil politicians have been killed by LTTE, including two Mayors of Jaffna, Sri Lankan Tamil foreign minister and the Tamil Chief Government Whip. LTTE have attempted to kill Tamil Government ministers and have killed many Tamil Government employees. LTTE have killed 400 Police officers, who surrendered to the LTTE, during the previous ceasefire agreement (CFA).

Terrorist LTTE agents have raided poorest of the poor Sinhalese villages in the night and taken little infants by the legs and smashed their skulls on walls/tree trunks so that the brain-matter from burst skulls spewed onto the wailing mothers, whose wails were also subsequently silenced by hacking them with swords and axes, including the pregnant ones, and some left to bleed all night long and die a slow, agonizing death.

Very few dared to challenge the rich, deadly terrorist organisation that has bought off powerful and influential positions, using the wealth they acquired by legal and illegal means.

Many suspect that you have been bought off by the deadly terror group to do their dirty propaganda.

The three persons that have arrived as saviours of ordinary people, to save them from death and destruction of LTTE are Sri Lanka’s Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse, Lt.Gen. Fonseka, and Basil Rajapakse. According to your distorted logic, corrupted by terrorist money, then those that opposed Hitler are complicit in genocide.

Come on man, get a life – stay away from terrorists.

Many wonder, why you support this fascist, barbaric, criminal terror gang, LTTE, in their effort to create a racist Tamil empire. It is alleged that you are paid $100,000 per month to campaign for an independent Tamil State in Sri Lanka, by LTTE fronts.

Due to your support of the terrorist group LTTE, many feel that you have no moral values and that you are incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong.

Many feel that you have been deceived by LTTE deception experts, hook, line and sinker.

My best wishes to you and hope that you become enlightened.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva


1. Buddhist Conduct:

The Ten Virtuous Actions

By Ben Silva UK

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