Swiss Diaspora turned against LTTE

Now it is time for Tamil Diasporas in all other countries to take heed from the Swiss Diaspora and come to terms with the loss of their hard earned billions of dollars following a megalomaniac. You have been not only hoodwinked all this time, your (relatives’) children have been denied of a decent education. Some of them were turned into walking bombs. And, you the Diaspora, made that happen back at home. So, you are part of it. You and your children were misguided through false information constantly fed to you, and them, through Thalaivar’s propaganda machine. LTTE has never accepted responsibility for any killing, but everyone knows who killed, Rajiv Ghandi, Duriappah, Kadiragamar, Premadasa, Dissanayake, Fernadopulle, so on and on the list goes.

[ad#200×200]Why on earth did anybody trust a person who killed a fellow Tamil gentleman, at the age of eighteen, who had a history of smuggling and gunrunning, and with mediocre education, who turned innocent people into criminals. He created, credit card fraudsters, human traffickers, child soldiers, murderers, money launderers, drugs dealers, illegal arms dealers and pirates, to name but a few. On Wednesday 6th February 2009, the LTTE remotely detonated a 12year old suicide bomber. And the gullible Diaspora is persuaded to believe the government is killing civilians, when the civilians are being looked after by the armed forces as their own brethren. Can you not understand the LTTE killed your kith and kin, over 30 years, just for this megalomaniac’s satisfaction. Don’t you have the courage to stand against these criminals. Only a few members have been brave enough to do that in the UK. You are cowards just as Pirapaharan, my friends.

You must not contribute to LTTE coffers anymore. Keep it for yourself and your family. Don’t give your money to various LTTE frontline organizations. You know what happened to your money, your Tsunami contributions. It went to buy arms to kill people. It went to build palaces for LTTE leaders. It went to train your children to become walking bombs to kill more. It did not go to make a single school, a patch of road -except the 7 runways. It went to terminate the education of your relatives’ children back at home. Just think of it. Just think of what you have been contributing to during the last good number of years. Most of you contributed – I know – for fear of your and your family’s life. You were controlled by thugs. Like the brave ‘civilians in Vanni’ come out in masses. Bury the LTTE and its front organizations.

By Peter Kalu

2 thoughts on “Swiss Diaspora turned against LTTE

  1. See the Tamils, after a 30 years of war what your people have gained from the war; only destructions in the northern part of the country and the broken family life. You who are in diaspora could easily sell the label as ‘Genocide’ otherwise your visa in those countries would be cancelled. But it is time to see the reality what is your so called ‘Liberation’ has gained for you and for your children !!!

  2. To All the LTTE Supporters !
    Be true to yourself! However much you deny, in your heart of hearts you know that you ‘ve been supporting the wrong cause , a group of people filled with revenge, hatred and injustice who were out to destroy the resources of their own Motherland without any heed to the helpless civilians! Our actions are always watched by a higher, superior force who does not allow the ‘injustrice’ to over power ‘justice’ Truth and Righteosness has to reign this world is governed by a Universal Power
    May We All live in Good Health, Happiness and Peace for the short period we have come to live on the surface of this earth, breathing the same air , sharing the same resources , understanding each other, and mostly loving each other for our stay here is temporary and as Shakespeare rightly said that All the world’s a stage and we are all actors on this stage !

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