Syria Preparing To Resist Globalist And NATO Regime Change Plans

With globalist restructuring plans for the Middle East and North Africa looking to be nearly complete, one major hurdle remains. After a relatively easy path to victory in Tunisia and Egypt, and with the project to dismantle and re-privatise the Libyan state nearly complete, only Syria remains as the last serious contender for resistance against a globalist effort to dominate the greater region.

According to a report yesterday in USA TODAY, the Syrian leader, President Bashar Assad is ”not worried” about the security of his country, and also warned NATO against any foreign military operations against this country. The report continues by stating:

“I am not worried about the security situation right now, we can say the security situation is better… It may seem dangerous, but in fact we are able to deal with it,” Assad concluded.
NOT ROLLING OVER: Assad’s Syria will be one of the globalists most difficult regime change operations.

Led by the globalists’ top PR spokesperson Barack Obama, the West, without question has long set its sights on Syria. Western media consumers can firstly expect a trial by media of Assad, followed by more Western-backed provocateur actions within the country designed to sway international opinion in favour of thefollowing:

1. International sanctions
2. UN Resolution
3. No Fly Zone
4. A long, protracted NATO bombing campaign
5. “Regime change“

This is the current formula(above) being employed by the US, UK and its ‘Coalition’ partners to win control of a country. After the US over-step in Iraq in 2003, the acceptable diplomatic technique is now done whereby the US/UK will work through the UN by pushing a vague resolution, and using NATO as the quasi-legal enforcement arm of a UN-backed NO FLY ZONE. Certainly, this has worked so far with Libya. Read full article >>

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